General Rules Appertaining to the Himalayan Esoteric Branch | WD Tilden | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p5 |
Circular from the Himalayan Esoteric TS - [objects and constitution of the Society; rules of the Society] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p5 |
Bye-Laws of the Bhrigu Kshetra Theosophical Society - [formation; office-bearers; approval by HS Olcott] | NB Nakhre | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p6 |
The Madras Theosophical Society [establishment of another School; first anniversary celebrations] | T Subba Row | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p6 |
North Kanara Theosophical Society (Karwar) - Rules & Bye-Laws - [work at reviving Sanskrit through schools] | GV Bhanap | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p7 |
Our Aryan Forefather's Society (Tinnevelly), [opening & management of Library] | S Periaswamy Pillay | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p8 |
A Delegate from America Coming | F Hartmann | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p8 |
The Rochester Theosophical Society [general description & activities of branch] | William Q Judge | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p8 |
The 7th Anniversary Report of the Theosophical Society | Mittra Vilasa | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p8 |
An Open Letter to the Right Reverend, The Bishop of Madras (Mr Gell) | HS Olcott | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p9 |
Theosophy & Christianity (rprntd Indian Churchman, Calcutta) | HS Olcott | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p10 |
The Indian Churchman on the Above | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p10 |
California on Theosophy - Theosophy & Occultism in India | George Frederic Parsons | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p10 |
The Missing Link - At Last | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p10 |
Colonel Olcott's Lectures [on Theosophy and Archaic Religions Delivered in India & Ceylon] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p11 |
Of the Serpent Python & the Pythonesses throughout the ages (2) | Dr Fortin | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p11 |
Letter | Ananda Bai Joshi | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p12 |
Another Letter from the Mahratta Lady theosophist now in America | Ed. | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p12 |
Life of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p12 |
Adwaita & Siddha Tantra - (Mahadeva Sastrial) | PT Srinivasaiyar | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p13 |
Personal Items | various | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
obituary - P Teroomal Row | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[MM Chatterji - expected to visit headquarters October 1883] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[Shyamaji Krishnavarma - appointment by the Secretary of State of India] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[WT Brown - coming to India] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[Syama Charan Mukerjee - visiting various branches on way to TS headquarters] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[HP Blavatsky - accompanied Olcott from Ootacamund to Madras] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[HS Olcott - managed to obtain a Government Order promising neutrality toward the TS] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[Sarrah Parker - left Liverpool for India] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[Dakshina Mohan Roy - suffered a serious carriage accident on the way to the Headquarters] | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
[quote - re a friend's experience with possible Mahatmas] | WD Tilden | y1883 | v5 | - | Oct+ | p14 |
Note of the Translator; Bruno's influence on English contemporary thought (N Trübner) | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p14 |
The Lamp of Life | Eriopoles | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p15 |
The Adepts in America in 1776 | an Ex-Asiatic (? William Quan Judge) | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p16 |
A Voice from the Cashmere Valley (rprnt Sattya Prakash) | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p17 |
Oriental Mesmerism | Ramamrit Sagara Bawa | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p17 |
Was Writing Known Before Panini? | a Chela | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p18 |
A Hindu Loyalist of Pondicherry (rprnt Bulletin de la Société Francaise) | anon (+ editor's note) | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p21 |
Some Scientific Questions Answered | anon | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p22 |
Pindams at Gya | A Hindu (+ editor's note) | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p23 |
Some Questions on Archaeology | PC Mukerji | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p23 |
Ltte - Can Females become Adepts? | Damodar K Mavalankar | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p23 |
The Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies | T Sathasiva Iyer | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p24 |
Ltte re funeral ceremonies | SM Chinesingh FTS | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p24 |
An American Brocken Spectre | PT Srinivasiengar | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p24 |
Arne Saknussem | F de Tengnegell (+ editor's note) | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p25 |
(Fossil) Specimens to Exchange | Carl Heinrich Hartmann ( - 1887) | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p25 |
The Adi Brahma Samaj | A. Sankariah | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p25 |
The "Saving of another Hindu Soul" | Manilal N Dvivedi | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p25 |
A Few Words from a veteran Philosopher | Henry G Atkinson | y1883 | v5 | - | October | p25 |