The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Theosophist

Are Chelas "Mediums?"anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep210
Stray Thoughts on SoulEliphas Leviy1884v5-Junep210
The Last of the Alchemists (Mr Kellerman)(Peter Davidson)y1884v5-Junep211
James Price, MD, FRS, & Alchemists, GuildfordP Davidsony1884v5-Junep213
Astrologyanon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep213
Practical Instructions for Students of Occultism (II) The Power of the WillAn American Buddhisty1884v5-Junep214
[quote by Koot-Hoomi from his letters to AP Sinnett - re thoughts]anony1884v5-Junep215
Magicon, or the Secret System of a Society of Unknown Philosophers (2)An American Buddhisty1884v5-Junep216
Historical Researches in Magic (tr by CW Rohner) (1)Baron du Potety1884v5-Junep218
Can the "Double" be Murdered?anony1884v5-Junep220
The American University at BostonJoseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899)y1884v5-Junep220
Mr Moncur D Conway's "A Tour Round the World"anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep221
Answers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Junep221
note [to "A Roman Catholic Saint at Goa"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep222
Ltte - A Roman Catholic Saint at GoaSamuel Jonathany1884v5-Junep222
KarmaGyanendra N Chakravartiy1884v5-Junep223
Esoteric Buddhism & HinduismA Brahman Theosophisty1884v5-Junep223
Adepts & Politics (see p79 December 1883)Ex Asiatic (? WQ Judge)y1884v5-Junep223
note [to "Karma"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep223
(We are in a position to state ...) [a note to "Esoteric Buddhism & Hinduism"]TSy1884v5-Junep225
note [to "Esoteric Buddhism & Hinduism"]DKMy1884v5-Junep225
Theosophy & ChristianityECy1884v5-Junep225
review - La Linguistique Devoilee (3) (Linguistics Unveiled) by MC Levy-BingEriopolesy1884v5-Junep226
Discarding A CMS Missionaryanony1884v5-Junep226
review - Posthumous Humanity by Adolphe D'Assieranony1884v5-Junep229
Notice [we regret to announce - publication of the Secret Doctrine to be delayed two more months]anony1884v5-Junep232
The Cosmic Psychological Spiritual Philosophy & Scienceanony1884v5-Junep232
The Marathi Theosophistanony1884v5-Junep232
Journal of the Theosophical Society #7 July 1, 1884 - Table of Contentsanony1884v5-July+p93
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (VI) What we should Will ... Dare ... (and be Silent about)Eliphas Leviy1884v5-July+p94
"Hope as a Remedy against Disease" (rprnt St James Gazette)Mortimer Graviliey1884v5-July+p96
A Lecture on "Theosophy: Its Claims on our Attention" at RanchiParbutty Churn Royy1884v5-July+p96
Agnosticism (Professor Huxley quoted)anony1884v5-July+p96
Sir James Mackintosh on AtheismJames Mackintoshy1884v5-July+p97
The Descent of Ishtar (vf)MBy1884v5-July+p98
The True Wealth of India (rprnt - Indian Mirror)An Aryan correspondenty1884v5-July+p98
comment on "The True Wealth of India"D.y1884v5-July+p98
Her Husband's Double - A Wife's Strange Experience (rprnt Philadelphia Mirror)anony1884v5-July+p98
A New Episcopal View of Heaven - extracts from Bishop Burdon's sermon (rprnt China Mail)anony1884v5-July+p99
The Hermetic Society [summary of the inaugural meeting - rprnt Light]anony1884v5-July+p99
The Church Militant in Scotlandanony1884v5-July+p99
Occult PhenomenaF Hartmanny1884v5-July+p99
Special Orders of 1884 [formation of the American "Board of Control"]HS Olcotty1884v5-July+p100
The Founders of the Theosophical Society in Europe - A Miracle Worker of To-Day (rprnt Pall Mall Gazette)anony1884v5-July+p100
An Interview with Madame Blavatsky (rprnt - Pall Mall Gazette)anony1884v5-July+p101
Colonel Olcott in EuropeFAy1884v5-July+p102
Theosophy in Franceanony1884v5-July+p102
(From the Indian Mirror) (" We hear that Colonel Olcott's mission is a success in every way.")anony1884v5-July+p102
Official Reports - The London Lodge of the TS [officers for 1884; special objects; bye-laws]AP Sinnetty1884v5-July+p103
Showing 2901 to 2950 of 26591 entries