The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Theosophical Forum

review: 'The True India' by CF AndrewsIRPy1939v15i6Decp463
review: 'The Sum of Things' by Francis YounghusbandGFKy1939v15i6Decp463
review: 'Cosmic Machinery in an Electro-Magnetic Universe' by HA StaplesHT Edgey1939v15i6Decp465
review: 'The Report of the International Congress: World Union of Free-Thinkers'ACy1939v15i6Decp465
review: 'Sonnets: An Anthology of Contemporary Verse' ed by Ralph CheyneyGKy1939v15i6Decp468
review: 'Fear and Trembling' by Soren Kierkegaard translated by Robert PayneMarjorie M Tybergy1939v15i6Decp469
review: 'A Sacramental Universe: Being a Study in the Metaphysics of Experience' by Archibald Allan BowmanHT Edgey1939v15i6Decp471
Periodicals ReviewedHSy1939v15i6Decp472
Index to 'The Theosophical Forum' Volume 15 July to December 1939anony1939v15i6Decp473
Freedom of Thought and Speech in the TSG de Puruckery1940v16i1Janp1
Little Man and His Big UniverseHT Edgey1940v16i1Janp3
The Sun and the 'Platonic Year' [reprint from 'The Doctrine of Cycles']Lydia Rossy1940v16i1Janp5
Deny Nothing - Affirm AllChristmas Humphreysy1940v16i1Janp6
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (1): Tashi Lama, Ephesusanony1940v16i1Janp14
The Sacred SeasonA Trevor Barkery1940v16i1Janp16
Theosophists Attention!Vera Berg Von Lindey1940v16i1Janp17
The Golden MomentInga Sjostedty1940v16i1Janp20
The Source of the Power [reprint from 'The Seven Principles of Poetry' Chapter 17]Anne Hamiltony1940v16i1Janp22
review: An Appreciation of Goethe's Faust ['The Meaning of Goethe's 'Faust'' by RD Miller]HT Edgey1940v16i1Janp28
Our PromisesMG Gowselly1940v16i1Janp31
Plants of EternityElsie Grayy1940v16i1Janp33
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson I (1)Judith Tybergy1940v16i1Janp37
The Immanent Christ [reprint from 'Theosophy and Christianity']HT Edgey1940v16i1Janp44
Science and ResearchCJ Ryany1940v16i1Janp45
The Flame of Intellect [reprint from 'Reincarnation, A Lost Chord in Modern Thought']Leoline L Wrighty1940v16i1Janp49
Man's Essential NatureL Ram Sahijpaly1940v16i1Janp50
Leaves of Theosophical History: LettersAbner Doubledayy1940v16i1Janp52
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (1)Leoline L Wrighty1940v16i1Janp54
My Philosophy (vf)EABy1940v16i1Janp66
Last Year's Publications in ReviewHSy1940v16i1Janp67
A Great Contribution to Theosophical History [Combined Chronology, Mahatma Letters - Margaret Conger]HN Stokesy1940v16i1Janp68
review: 'Johnson Over Jordan: The Play and All About It' by JB PriestleyMM Tybergy1940v16i1Janp72
review: 'Turgot and the Ancien Regime in France' by Douglas DakinLouis E van Normany1940v16i1Janp74
review: 'The History of Magic' by Eliphas Levi, trans by AE WaiteHTEy1940v16i1Janp75
review: 'A Cavalcade of the Supernatural' by Harold HU CrossAlice Copelandy1940v16i1Janp76
Theosophists and PrayerG de Puruckery1940v16i2Febp81
How Are We Reborn?L Gordon Plummery1940v16i2Febp84
Words (vf)John Burtony1940v16i2Febp93
Sympathy With NatureHT Edgey1940v16i2Febp94
From the Leader to All FTSedy1940v16i2Febp95
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (2): Essenes, Aura, Samadhi, Catacombsanony1940v16i2Febp96
Human Carnivorousness: (1) Viewed Ethically and ReligiouslyWY Evans-Wentzy1940v16i2Febp100
Sounding BrassMartyn A Wittery1940v16i2Febp109
Send in Your Questions!variousy1940v16i2Febp110
Way of Living [reprint from 'Y Fforwm Theosoffaidd']HD Rodericky1940v16i2Febp115
Leaves of Theosophical History: The Work of the Branches [reprint Theosophist 1884]Damodar K Mavalankary1940v16i2Febp117
A New Year's Resolution [reprint from 'US Naval Academy Alumni Bulletin' 1939]AH Guthriey1940v16i2Febp123
review: Santayana and the Key to Interpretation ['The Moral Philosophy of Santayana' by Milton Karl Munitz]HT Edgey1940v16i2Febp124
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson I (2)Judith Tybergy1940v16i2Febp127
Science and ResearchCJ Ryany1940v16i2Febp134
Showing 1901 to 1950 of 2713 entries