The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

Theosophic Isis

Notes - variousP.y1896v1-Decemberp373
January, 1897anony1897v2-Januaryp377
fillersGita, OE, HPBy1897v2-Januaryp380
Some Persian HymnsF Coryny1897v2-Januaryp380
Occultism in Medicine (3)Herbert Coryny1897v2-Januaryp382
Our OpportunitySidney Coryny1897v2-Januaryp387
Methods of Meditation (2)BGy1897v2-Januaryp390
Purple Penceanony1897v2-Januaryp393
A Practical Aspect of BrotherhoodSTSy1897v2-Januaryp394
The Rhythm of SinIsrael Meldolay1897v2-Januaryp399
Home Crusade - France & NorwayJulia WL Keightleyy1897v2-Januaryp401
filler (The Principles of Phrenology)Sidney Smithy1897v2-Januaryp402
Ltte - (subscription monies inclosed)one who has received benefit from <em>Isis</em>y1897v2-Januaryp403
Notes - variousP.y1897v2-Januaryp403
The Book World (brief reviews of 4 metaphysical journals, & 1 book)HHBy1897v2-Januaryp406
The December MagazinesHHBy1897v2-Januaryp408
review - Egyptian Magic by SSDD (Florence Farr Emery)P,y1897v2-Januaryp409
review - The Voice of Nature by Josiah OldfieldP.y1897v2-Januaryp410
filler - Wisdom WordsWalt Whitmany1897v2-Januaryp410
The Gospel of Workanony1897v2-Februaryp411
Glimpses of the PastEG Campbelly1897v2-Februaryp413
The Strain of the Year 1897Love's Laboury1897v2-Februaryp417
2 fillersCicero &amp; Shaftesburyy1897v2-Februaryp418
The Occult Side of the CellArthur Bealey1897v2-Februaryp419
Borderland Occultism (so much matter, so little information)HHBy1897v2-Februaryp423
The Soul PhotographedNiziday1897v2-Februaryp426
Letters on Occultism (6)Israel Meldolay1897v2-Februaryp431
Some Thoughts on the Labour Church MovementAnnie Thurstony1897v2-Februaryp433
Purple Penceanony1897v2-Februaryp437
Brotherhood Suppersanony1897v2-Februaryp438
Ltte - (loyalty & one's own perception of truth; a reply to Basil Crump)Franz Hartmanny1897v2-Februaryp439
Notes - variousP.y1897v2-Februaryp440
The Book World (brief reviews of Metaphysical journals) (Last entry, Last issue, Isis)HHBy1897v2-Februaryp444
Showing 151 to 185 of 185 entries