review: 'Racial Contrasts, Distinguishing Traits of the Graeco-Latins and Teutons' by Albert Gehring | C Shuddemagen | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p371 |
review: 'The Eight Pillars of Prosperity' by James Allen | GSH, WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p375 |
review: 'Isis Unveiled' by HPB | Weller van Hook | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p375 |
review: 'Golden Lark' by Florence Richmond | GSH | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p376 |
review: 'Byways of Ghostland' by Elliott O'Donnell | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p377 |
review: 'Reincarnation - A Study in Human Evolution' by Th Pascal | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p377 |
review: 'Shankaracharya, Philosopher and Mystic' by Kashinath Triambak Telang | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p377 |
review: 'The Apocalypse Unsealed' James M Pryse | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p377 |
review: 'The Heathen Invasion' by Claude Bragdon | LWR | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p378 |
Children's Page: The Wind Fairies | Alma Kunz | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p379 |
Children's Page: The Fate of my Sparrow | Luella Knowles Hastings | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p382 |
Children's Page: Theosophists in the Middle Ages | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i6 | Mar | p383 |
Portrait: An Ideal Head | Schmiechen | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p385 |
The Resurrection | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p385 |
Idealism | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p386 |
Reincarnation and Evolution | Muirson Blake | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p387 |
Deserts | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p388 |
Colonel Olcott and the Eddy Manifestations (illustrated) [adapted from People From the Other World 1875] | Harriet T Felix, HS Olcott | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p389 |
The Compasses | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p403 |
Theosophic and Other Organisations | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p406 |
The Legend of the Holy Grail: Parcival (11) | C Shuddemagen | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p407 |
Abdul Baha Abbas Visits America | Nellie H Baldwin | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p410 |
Family Relationships in the Lives of Alcyone | GS de G | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p412 |
Notes | various | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p421 |
The Upper Room | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p422 |
Karma and Reincarnation League | C Shuddemagen, Josephine E Wardall and Marjorie Tuttle | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p423 |
The League for the Little Brothers | Ralph Packard | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p425 |
Correspondence School | anon | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p426 |
Order of the Star in the East | Marjorie Tuttle | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p427 |
The Theosophical Sunday School | David SM Unger | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p429 |
Papers on Elementary Theosophy | LW Rogers | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p432 |
The Field | various | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p434 |
Stereopticon Bureau | JC Myers | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p437 |
obituary: Joseph Walton died 31 January 1912 age 84 | MC Thomas | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p438 |
obituary: MH Watson died 1 March 1912 (1853-1912) | FE Martin | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p438 |
obituary: Florence Duffie | anon | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p438 |
obituary: Eugene M Clarke died 9 January 1912 | Annie C McQueen | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p439 |
obituary: James S Hickey died 5 January 1912 (1855-1912) | Hugh F Munro | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p439 |
review: 'The Comte De St Germain: The Secret of Kings' by Isabel Cooper-Oakley | anon | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p440 |
review: 'Psychic Phenomena, Science and Immortality' by Henry Frank | anon | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p444 |
review: 'A Fleshless Diet' by JL Buttner | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p444 |
review: 'The Bhagavad-Gita' translation by Annie Besant | anon | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p445 |
Children's Page: On a Mossy Bank | Josephine E Wardall | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p446 |
The Sinking of a Continent | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i7 | Apr | p448 |
Muses | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p449 |
photo - HP Blavatsky | anon | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p449 |
The Morning Sigh of Memnon | JB Lindon | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p450 |
Paracelsus [reprint from 'Alchemy'] | Redgrove | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p454 |
Two Forces (vf) | WV-H | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p455 |
Letter from India: Madura | Magian | y1912 | v13 | i8 | May | p456 |