The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge


The Serpent’s Blood [reprint 'The Path' January 1889]Bryan Kinnavan [William Q Judge]y1913v1i5Marp192
The TS, Its Mission and Future [reprint 'Lucifer' August 1888]Emile Burnoufy1913v1i5Marp195
Each Member a Center [reprint 'The Path' October 1895]William Q Judgey1913v1i5Marp206
Lodges of Magic [reprint 'Lucifer' October 1888]anony1913v1i5Marp207
Questions and Answersanon [Robert Crosbie]y1913v1i5Marp212
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i5Marp213
Some Unavoidable Deductions (1)anony1913v1i6Aprp217
The Sheaths of the Soul [reprint 'Lucifer' June 1892]William Q Judgey1913v1i6Aprp221
Love With An Object [reprint 'Lucifer' January 1888] Emanuel-y1913v1i6Aprp225
Learned Barbarismanony1913v1i6Aprp228
HP Blavatsky and Theosophists [reprint 'The Path' October 1889]anony1913v1i6Aprp231
Teachings of the Master (1) [reprint 'The Path' November 1886]anony1913v1i6Aprp232
The Magic Screen of Time [reprint 'The Path' April 1889]Bryan Kinnavan [William Q Judge]y1913v1i6Aprp235
Is Theosophy a Religion? [reprint 'Lucifer' November 1888]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i6Aprp238
The Second Objectanony1913v1i6Aprp248
Studies in the Upanishads (1) [reprint 'The Path' May and July 1886]A Studenty1913v1i6Aprp252
Mediumship [reprint 'The Path' November 1887]Albertus [William Q Judge]y1913v1i6Aprp257
Questions and Answersanon [Robert Crosbie]y1913v1i6Aprp260
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i6Aprp262
Errors and Omissions: Regarding page 177 March "Theosophy"anony1913v1i6Aprp264
HPB: A Lion-Hearted Colleague Passes [reprint 'The Path' June 1891]William Q Judgey1913v1i7Mayp265
Some Unavoidable Deductions (2)anony1913v1i7Mayp268
Let Every Man Prove His Own Work [reprint 'Lucifer' November 1887]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i7Mayp271
Ethical Irresponsibilityanony1913v1i7Mayp279
The Wandering Eye [reprint 'The Path' May 1889]Bryan Kinnavan [William Q Judge]y1913v1i7Mayp282
Thought Effects [reprint 'The Path' February 1887]HNHy1913v1i7Mayp284
HPB Was Not Deserted by Masters [reprint 'Theosophy' April 1896]William Q Judgey1913v1i7Mayp288
The Path of Action [reprint 'The Path' November 1887]Hadjii Erinn [William Q Judge]y1913v1i7Mayp292
Teachings of the Master (2) [reprint 'The Path' November and December 1886]The Teachery1913v1i7Mayp294
Am I My Brother’s Keeper? [reprint 'The Path' August 1887]American Mysticy1913v1i7Mayp298
Living the Higher Life [reprint 'The Path' July and August 1886]Murdhna Jotiy1913v1i7Mayp301
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i7Mayp310
A Creed (vf) [reprint Story of a Round House]John Masefieldy1913v1i7Mayp312
Some Unavoidable Deductions (3)anony1913v1i8Junp313
The Vocation of Lifeanony1913v1i8Junp315
Personalities [reprint 'The Path' November 1887]Harij [William Q Judge]y1913v1i8Junp320
The Signs of the Times [reprint 'Lucifer' October 1887]anony1913v1i8Junp323
The Third Objectanony1913v1i8Junp329
The Three Planes of Human Life [reprint 'The Path' August 1888]Eusebio Urban [William Q Judge]y1913v1i8Junp331
Detachment [reprint 'Lucifer' May 1888]Pilgrimy1913v1i8Junp334
The Pride of Possessionanony1913v1i8Junp339
The Great Orphan (vf) [reprint 'The Path' March 1888]Harij [William Q Judge]y1913v1i8Junp341
Be It Done Unto Thee According to Thy Desire [reprint 'The Path' January 1889]Harij [William Q Judge]y1913v1i8Junp342
Spiritual Gifts and Their Attainment [reprint 'The Path' February 1889]Dies Nony1913v1i8Junp345
Man, Know Thyselfanony1913v1i8Junp347
Of Interest to Theosophists: Mrs Besant Loses Her Case [reprint 'London Express' May 9 1913]anony1913v1i8Junp349
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i8Junp350
Some Unavoidable Deductions (4)anony1913v1i9Julp353
The Theosophical Mahatmas [reprint 'The Path' December 1886]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i9Julp357
Occultism for Barter - Esoteric Colleges and False Prophets [reprint 'The Path' March 1889]anony1913v1i9Julp363
Showing 51 to 100 of 23246 entries