Free Will and Action | Leo Tolstoy | y1999 | - | - | August | - |
Birthdays of the Dhyanis and Other Cyclic Events | Dallas TenBroeck | y1999 | - | - | August | - |
Being and Responsibility: The Ethics of THE SECRET DOCTRINE | Joy Mills | y1999 | - | - | August | - |
The Wanderings of Odysseus, Part I An Interpretation | Charles J Ryan | y1999 | - | - | August | - |
Brookings Conference Report | Wesley Amerman | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
The Wanderings of Odysseus: An Interpretation Part II | Charles J Ryan | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
The Beauty of Reincarnation | Katherine Tingley | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
More on the Birthday of the Dhyanis and Other Cyclic Events | Dallas TenBroeck | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
The Struggle Between the Old Views and the New | Leo Tolstoy | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
Blavatsky Net Update | Reed Carson | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
The Destruction of Illusion | A Trevor Barker | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
The Psychology of Reincarnation | Ernest Wood | y1999 | - | - | September | - |
Gottfried de Purucker: A Biographical Sketch | Boris de Zirkoff | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Tribute to L Gordon Plummer | Dara Eklund | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
On Monads, Rounds, and Astral Molds | G de Purucker | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Theosophy and Christian Science | A Trevor Barker | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
A Backyard Meditation | Walter Eugene Kent | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
The Karma of Addiction and Obsession | Dallas TenBroeck | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Self-Directed Evolution | James Neil Feinstein | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Blavatsky Net Update | Reed Carson | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Spirit in Crisis: Introduction | H Oosterink | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Spirit in Crisis: Preface | H Groot | y1999 | - | - | October | - |
Spirit in Crisis: Chapter I: The Antithesis | H Oosterink | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
In Support of Genuine Theosophy, Part I | Grigor Vahan Ananikian | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
Visit the Blavatsky Archives Online | Daniel H Caldwell | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
Nature: The Mighty Mother | Katherine Tingley | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
The Creative Power of Thought | A Trevor Barker | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
Promoting the Wisdom Religion in Modern Times | Martin Euser | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
There Were Such Great Men | G de Purucker | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
The Land of Magical Poetry | James Neil Feinstein | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
Blavatsky Net Update | Reed Carson | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
How I Came to Join the Theosophical Society | Christine Hanson | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
Lightbulb on the Path | Bart Lidofsky | y1999 | - | - | November | - |
In Support of Genuine Theosophy, Part II | Grigor Vahan Ananikian | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Blavatsky Net Update | Reed Carson | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Theosophical Society Outreach | Suzanna Kenline | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Remembering HPB | Constance Wachtmeister | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Theosophy - A Universal Inspiration | Kenneth Morris | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
What I Owe to a Book | Captain PGB Bowen | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Spirit in Crisis: The Boundless and the Self | H Oosterink | y1999 | - | - | December | - |
Thoughts on Public Speaking | Boris de Zirkoff | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
The Etheric Double: The Far-Reaching Effects of a False Assumption, Part I | Geoffrey A Farthing | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
A Comparison of the Gradual and Sudden Paths | Grigor Vahan Ananikian | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
Our Immediate Work | A Trevor Barker | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
Spirit in Crisis: The Way to the Boundless | H Oosterink | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
Point Loma Reflections and Overview - 2000 | anon | y2000 | - | - | January | - |
Blavatsky Net Update | Reed Carson | y2000 | - | - | February | - |
The Awareness Discovery Series | Murray Stentiford | y2000 | - | - | February | - |
There Are No Neo-Theosophists | Dallas TenBroeck | y2000 | - | - | February | - |
How Did Albert Einstein Intuit E=MC^2? | Leon Maurer | y2000 | - | - | February | - |