The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Dnyaneshvari (9)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2001v1i10Augp11
Letter: Greetings from PortugalJFy2001v1i10Augp13
Anupadaka (Parentless)anony2001v1i10Augp14
Letter: From BangaloreMarcy2001v1i10Augp14
The Path, Ethics, and Bravery [reprint from Collected Works XIV, 288-91]anony2001v1i10Augp16
Alaya and Paramarthaanony2001v1i10Augp16
Plotinus on Feeling Memory, and Imagination [extract from Works of Plotinus pp 436-440]KS Guthriey2001v1i10Augp18
Life Without PrincipleHenry David Thoreauy2001v1i10Augp20
True Knowledgeanony2001v1i11Sepp1
Q and A on NumbersLHMy2001v1i11Sepp2
Quotable Quotesvariousy2001v1i11Sepp4
The Coffee Klatch (8)anony2001v1i11Sepp5
The Big Blue Umbrella (10) The Second Fundamentalanony2001v1i11Sepp8
Point Out the Way (10)John Garriguesy2001v1i11Sepp9
Dnyaneshvari (10)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2001v1i11Sepp14
Letter: To JeromeUdaya Dawny2001v1i11Sepp15
LetterSrikanta Prasannay2001v1i11Sepp17
Stepping Stones [edited extract from The Theosophical Movement Vol 60 No 3]anony2001v1i11Sepp18
The Divine Passive Law [extracted from Secret Doctrine II pp 78-81]HP Blavatskyy2001v1i11Sepp20
Electricity is Matteranony2001v1i11Sepp21
The Real Drug Pushers!anony2001v1i11Sepp22
Darwinism in Denial? [reprint from Washington Post]Philip Gold Areteay2001v1i11Sepp24
The Golden Ruleanony2001v1i11Sepp25
A New Being [extract from Echoes from the Orient Chapter 15]William Q Judgey2001v1i11Sepp26
Feeding the Poor: letter and reply [extract Lucifer 1889]Barbara Moskvitinoff. HPBy2001v1i12Octp1
The Coffee Klatch (9)anony2001v1i12Octp3
Point Out the Way (11)John Garriguesy2001v1i12Octp8
My Memories of John GarriguesGENy2001v1i12Octp11
Dnyaneshvari (11)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2001v1i12Octp12
Guest Editorial - Attack on America: How should America Respond? - replyed, Tamim Ansaryy2001v1i12Octp14
LetterTrevor Cowany2001v1i12Octp17
Gopal's Searchanony2001v1i12Octp20
Wisdom of the Heartanony2001v1i12Octp22
Global AwarenessHH the Dalai Lamay2001v1i12Octp22
Death: An Important Doorwayanony2001v1i12Octp23
Tzure and Fidelity in Our SearchTonyy2001v1i12Octp24
Karmic Visions [reprint from Lucifer June 1888]Sanjnay2001v2i1Novp1
The Spiritual ConflictAE [George William Russell]y2001v2i1Novp11
Friends, Brothers, and AcquaintancesHenry David Thoreauy2001v2i1Novp14
The Limitation of Personality [extract Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatskyy2001v2i1Novp14
Letter: To PedroGopiy2001v2i1Novp16
The Coffee Klatch (10)anony2001v2i1Novp17
Letter: To Wescott and GraceRCy2001v2i1Novp17
Dnyaneshvari (12)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2001v2i1Novp18
The Big Blue Umbrella (11)anony2001v2i1Novp23
Showing 101 to 150 of 3398 entries