The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

World Theosophy

The Dream of Pythagoras (long vf, 1846)Emma Tathamy1932v2-Februaryp115
Reincarnation & Modern ThoughtAlexander Horney1932v2-Februaryp122
Psychology of Sound, Silence & ColorE Abbotty1932v2-Februaryp128
Lives - Past, Present, PredeterminedMarie R Hotchenery1932v2-Februaryp133
RecurrenceFrederic W Burryy1932v2-Februaryp138
Thinking with Thinkers - A Symposium on Reincarnationvariousy1932v2-Februaryp140
ReincarnationRalph Waldo Emersony1932v2-Februaryp140
Three Fundamental TruthsC Jinarajadasay1932v2-Februaryp140
The Rationale of ReincarnationAE Powelly1932v2-Februaryp141
Reincarnation of the EgoErnest Woody1932v2-Februaryp144
Social Aspects of ReincarnationJoseph Bibbyy1932v2-Februaryp145
Man's DestinyEdward Schurey1932v2-Februaryp145
A Christian DoctrineCharles Hamptony1932v2-Februaryp146
Seven Pillars of ReincarnationJoseph Glanvily1932v2-Februaryp146
The Evolutionary MarchLW Rogersy1932v2-Februaryp147
review - Reincarnation - De l'Inconscient au Conscient by Gustave GeleyMBy1932v2-Februaryp150
Great Authors & ReincarnationEd Walkery1932v2-Februaryp155
Ltte - (3 letters)variousy1932v2-Februaryp156
Out of the Everywherevariousy1932v2-Februaryp158
The Evolutionary Spiral of Life - FrontispieceRobert Fluddy1932v2-Marchp162
Over the Wide WorldThe Editory1932v2-Marchp163
Lest we Forget - from the Key to TheosophyHPBy1932v2-Marchp169
Modern Science & the Higher SelfAnnie Besanty1932v2-Marchp171
It is the Law (vf)MM Bakery1932v2-Marchp177
Founders' Convention ProceedingsAdyar Correspondenty1932v2-Marchp178
Timely ObservationsGeorge S Arundaley1932v2-Marchp181
Is Science Vindicating Religion? - Einstein, Eddington & JeansJohn Haynes Holmesy1932v2-Marchp185
A Prayer (vf)HE Vockey1932v2-Marchp186
Current Theosophical DaysFritz Kunzy1932v2-Marchp189
My Creed (vf)John Masefieldy1932v2-Marchp192
Some Achievements of ScienceGeoffrey Hodsony1932v2-Marchp193
The TempleMerle Perryy1932v2-Marchp199
Thoughts of One Who is Alone (vf)Lex Fergussy1932v2-Marchp200
Cosmic Force as a Source of Power According to Physics & OccultismWilliam V Hukilly1932v2-Marchp201
The Occult Side of Disease - Clairvoyant Research into Medical ScienceWM Davidsony1932v2-Marchp204
Time (vf)Ethel Ingally1932v2-Marchp208
Problem-Questions of ReincarnationMarie R Hotchenery1932v2-Marchp209
The Law of Life (vf, from The Light of Asia)Edwin Arnoldy1932v2-Marchp213
Evolution & the Way of MysticismC Kelsey Lovedayy1932v2-Marchp214
Solar InfluencesEW Van Dykey1932v2-Marchp217
"Be Ye Lights to Yourselves"Arthur H Thompsony1932v2-Marchp220
DisarmamentTE Merrilly1932v2-Marchp222
Thinking with Thinkersvariousy1932v2-Marchp224
The Science of DieteticsMRHy1932v2-Marchp229
Younger Souls (vf)Isabel Spelman Devereuxy1932v2-Marchp232
review - The Evolution of Man by J Emile Marcault & Iwan A. HawliczekMRHy1932v2-Marchp233
Life (vf)Mildred Louise Olsony1932v2-Marchp235
Ltte - (5 letters)variousy1932v2-Marchp236
Out of the Everywherevariousy1932v2-Marchp239
The Pioneer Mother - Frontispiece - statueBryant Bakery1932v2-Aprilp242
Showing 401 to 450 of 1060 entries