Notice of Election | Ted G Davy | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p132 |
Calgary Lodge | Doris Davy | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
Theosophy's Basic Message | A Tyro | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p134 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p137 |
review: 'Visions of Time, Experiments in Psychic Archeology' by David E Jones | Ted G Davy | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p141 |
Index - The Canadian Theosophist, Vol 60 | anon | y1980 | v60 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
From the Presidential Address: To the 104th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society | Joy Mills | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p1 |
review: 'Esotericism of the Popul Vuh' by Raphael Girard, trans by Blair A Moffett | Franziska M Roos | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p7 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | TGD | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p11 |
Montreal Lodge | Elizabeth M Smith | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p12 |
Toronto Lodge | Joan Sutcliffe | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p13 |
Calgary Lodge | Doris Davy | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p14 |
The Way to the Mysteries: 8. The Doctrine of Karma | L Gordon Plummer | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p15 |
William Quan Judge: April 13, 1851 - March 21, 1896 | various | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p20 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p21 |
review: 'Surya-Siddhanta' A Textbook of Hindu Astronomy by Ebenezer Burgess and William Dwight Whitney | David Reigle | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p22 |
Mis'r the Wise [reprint 'The English Theosophist' September 1899] | Ali | y1980 | v61 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p23 |
The Good Companion [reprint 'Toronto Theosophical News' May 1937] | anon | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p26 |
Brotherhood | Members of Vancouver Lodge | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p27 |
The Way to the Mysteries: 9. Hierarchies | L Gordon Plummer | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p30 |
The Hallmark of Truth | A Tyro | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p33 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | TGD | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p35 |
Election of Officers 1980-1983 | Ted G Davy | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p36 |
Victoria Lodge | Dorothy Armstrong | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
Calgary Lodge | Laetitia van Hees | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
Vancouver Lodge | Doreen Chatwin | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p37 |
Letter | Victor Endersby | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p38 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p40 |
Man - Unit or Universe | Montague A Machell | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p43 |
Wizards Bookshelf 1972-1980 [reprint 'Theosophia' Winter 1979-1980] | Richard I Robb | y1980 | v61 | i2 | May-Jun | p44 |
Radha Burnier Elected President | Ted G Davy | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p49 |
Radha Burnier | anon | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p50 |
Art, Beauty and Goodness [reprint 'The Theosophical Review' April 1970] | Radha Burnier | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p51 |
The Way to the Mysteries: 10. Svabhava | L Gordon Plummer | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p54 |
The Right Path [extract from a letter] | anon | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p57 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | TGD | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p59 |
Edmonton Lodge | Pervin Mistry | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p61 |
Hermes Lodge | Eva Sharp | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p61 |
Calgary Lodge | Laetitia van Hees | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p61 |
Montreal Lodge | Elizabeth M Smith | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p62 |
Letter - re: Esotericism of the Popul Vuh | Blair A Moffett | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p63 |
Victoria Lodge | Dorothy Armstrong | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p63 |
Views on Hypnotism | Jenno | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p65 |
The Return | SE | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p67 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p68 |
Recollections of the Blavatsky Institute | Jocelyn Taylor Mitchell | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p69 |
review: 'Echoes of the Orient' Writings of William Quan Judge, Vol II comp by Dara Eklund | Ted G Davy | y1980 | v61 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p70 |
Inaugural Address: The Theosophical Society, Adyar, August 3, 1980 | Radha Burnier | y1980 | v61 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p73 |
The Way to the Mysteries: 11. Svabhava | L Gordon Plummer | y1980 | v61 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p78 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | TGD | y1980 | v61 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p83 |