The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Indian Theosophist

Thinking Soul, Finding The Thought Forms…Bronia Iwanczaky2016v114i7Julyp230
Love And Service: Twin Stars Of Brotherhood [Talk delivered during the 10th World Congress of the TS held in Rome in July 2010]S Sundaramy2016v114i7Julyp236
News and Notes: Assam; Delhi; Karnataka; Kerala; Rayalseema; Utkal; Uttarakhand; Uttar Pradesh; The Theosophical Order of Service; Seminar at Chapra, Bihar on 24-25 September 2016nony2016v114i7Julyp243
Spiritual Evolution And The Future Of The Theosophical Society [from 'The Theosophist' July 2016]Tim Boydy2016v114i8Augustp259
Study Camps At Bhowali: Some ReflectionsShikhar Agnihotriy2016v114i8Augustp267
Being Hurt And Compassion: A Transformation [Talk delivered in a meeting organized by Kashi Tattva Sabha on 8 April 2016]Atul Bhatnagary2016v114i8Augustp273
News and Notes: Bombay; Bihar; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; Report on the 93rd South India Theosophical Conference; Seminar at Chapra, Bihar on 24-25 September 2016; The 14th Triennial Conference of the Indo-Pacific Federation 2016anony2016v114i8Augustp276
Multidimensionality and No Empty Space [from 'The Theosophist' August 2016]Tim Boydy2016v114i9Septemberp295
Universal Brotherhood Leads to Universal Morality [Paper presented in the National Seminar on 'Theosophy and Modern World' held at Delhi under auspices of the Indian Section, TS 30-31 July 2016]Om Prakash Anejay2016v114i9Septemberp301
News and Notes: Karnataka; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; National Seminar at Delhi; Theosophical Order of Service; Visit Project Site; National Seminar at Amaravati, Maharashtra; Food services at the 141st International Convention at Adyar, Chennai (31st December 2016 to 05 January 2017)anony2016v114i9Septemberp310
A Step ForwardS Sundaramy2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp327
On Unity [from 'The Theosophist' September 2016]Tim Boydy2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp329
Mystic heights of 'The Voice Of The Silence' [from 'Talks on the Path of Occultism' Volume I (TPH Publication 2nd edition 1930)]G Dakshinamoorthyy2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp333
Colonel Olcott- A Great EducationistPradeep H Gohily2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp341
News and Notes: Bihar; Bombay; Marathi; Telugu; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Headquarters; TOS: South Zone Conference 2016; Study Camp at Lucknowanony2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp347
Proposed Amendment of the Constitution Of The Indian Section, The Theosophical Society, Varanasianony2016v114i10-11October-Novemberp363
The First Object Of The Theosophical Society [from 'The Theosophist' October 2016]Tim Boydy2016v114i12Decemberp385
Theosophical Movement in India 1879-1907PS Panchakshariy2016v114i12Decemberp390
Toward A New World: A Theosophical PerspectiveSahadeb Patroy2016v114i12Decemberp394
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombay; Delhi; Karnataka; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; North India Study Camp; General Secretary's Visits; Study Camp at Lucknow; Study Camp at Gwalior; Discount of 20% on purchase of TPH booksanony2016v114i12Decemberp404
List of Members of the Indian Section Council Elected by Federations for the Year 2017, 2018 and 2019anony2016v114i12Decemberp412
Presidential Address To the 141st Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society Adyar 31 December 2016 [Only some portions of the Presidential Address published here. For more details see 'The Theosophist' January 2017]Tim Boydy2017v115i2Februaryp65
News and Notes: Bombay; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Headquarters; Theosophical Order of Service; Study Camp at Gwalioranony2017v115i2Februaryp71
List Of Members Of The Indian Section Council For The Year 2017, 2018, And 2019anony2017v115i2Februaryp84
Election Of The General Secretary And Executive Committeeanony2017v115i2Februaryp92
Nurturing The Seed [Inaugural address to the Indian Section Convention 1 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' February 2017]Tim Boydy2017v115i3Marchp105
Living From The Still Centre [Talk delivered at the International Convention Adyar 1 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' January 2017]Linda Oliveiray2017v115i3Marchp108
Self-Culture Is An Essential Prerequisite For Theosophy [Talk delivered in the Indian Section Convention-II on 3 January 2017]Partha Sarathi Prasad Sarangiy2017v115i3Marchp116
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombay; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Convention-I; Indian Section Headquarters; Change in Venue of the Study Campanony2017v115i3Marchp120
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2017v115i4Aprilp137
The Effect Of The Future [Public talk delivered at the International Convention Adyar 4 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' March 2017]Tim Boydy2017v115i4Aprilp138
Self-Preparation : An Essential Prerequisite Of Theosophical Work [Talk delivered in the Indian Section Convention-II on 3 January 2017]Om Anejay2017v115i4Aprilp145
News and Notes: Bombay; Gujarat; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; TOS; Indian Section Headquartersanony2017v115i4Aprilp152
Important Changes [The Indian Section Council in its meeting held on 29.12.2016 at Adyar, Chennai, adopted following resolution, which was approved by the International President]anony2017v115i4Aprilp159
Prayer [poem written by Annie Besant in 1875 and published in 'The Theosophist' October 1932]Annie Besanty2017v115i4Aprilp166
List Of National Lecturers - 2017 Indian Section The Theosophical Societyanony2017v115i4Aprilp167
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2017v115i5Mayp177
The Importance Of The Centre [from 'The Theosophist' April 2017]Tim Boydy2017v115i5Mayp179
White Lotus Day [Reprint: from 'The Theosophical Review' May 1978. Original article: 'The Theosophist' June 1959]N Sri Ramy2017v115i5Mayp186
Occult Functions And Correspondence Of Some Human Organs And SensesUS Pandeyy2017v115i5Mayp192
News and Notes: Bombay; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; An Introduction to Theosophyanony2017v115i5Mayp201
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2017v115i6Junep213
Thinking About AdyarTim Boydy2017v115i6Junep215
Self-PreparationNandita Kuldipy2017v115i6Junep218
The Subtlety Of Illusion And RealitySahadeb Patroy2017v115i6Junep223
News and Notes: Bengal; Bihar; Bombay; Kerala; Study Camp on The Secret Doctrine; Uttar Pradesh; Study Camp at Bhowali Based on "Narad Bhakti Sutras" and the Book "Self Realization Through Love" by Dr I K Taimini; Study Campanony2017v115i6Junep230
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2017v115i7Julyp249
Theosophy: A Spiritual Legacy For Humanity [from 'The Theosophist' June 2017]Tim Boydy2017v115i7Julyp251
What the Modern Theosophical Society is Not [extract from 'The Key to Theosophy' pp16-21]H P Blavatskyy2017v115i7Julyp260
News and Notes: Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; TOS Activities; National Lecturer; Study Camp at Bhowali on "Wisdom of Upanishads; From a Theosophical Perspective"; Indian Section Headquarters; Gone to Peace [Mrs Suman Phansalkar]anony2017v115i7Julyp265
Showing 451 to 500 of 798 entries