The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Adyar Pamphlets

Theosophy: Its Meaning & ValueAnnie Besanty1935-i197May-
The Work of Theosophy in the WorldAnnie Besant (1909)y1935-i198June-
Sankaracharya, Philosopher & MysticKasinath Tryambak Telangy1935-i199July-
YogaAnnie Besanty1935-i200August-
YogaAnnie Besanty1935-i201September-
Hypnotism & Mesmerism (rprnt 1948)Annie Besanty1935-i202October-
Memory and Its NatureAnnie Besant and HP Blavatskyy1935-i203November-December-
Memory and Its NatureAnnie Besant and HP Blavatskyy1935-i204November-December-
Creating CharacterAnnie Besant & CW Leadbeatery1936-i205--
Creating CharacterAnnie Besant & CW Leadbeatery1936-i206--
Creating CharacterAnnie Besant & CW Leadbeatery1936-i207--
Theosophy as BeautyGS Arundale, Rukmini Devi; C Jinarajadasay1936-i208--
Buddha & His Message (rprnt 1948)C Jinarajadasay1936-i209--
What is the Work of Theosophists?C Jinarajadasay1936-i210--
Theosophy & TruthGeorge S Arundaley1936-i211--
Message of Beauty to CivilizationsShrimati Rukmini Deviy1936-i212--
Showing 201 to 216 of 216 entries