The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Announcements - variousvariousy1980v3-Octoberp337
obituary - James S McDonnell (~1900-1980)anony1980v3-Octoberp339
review - Mysticism & Religion by Robert S EllwoodMC Rosey1980v3-Octoberp341
review - Zen Enlightenment - origins & meaning by Heinrich Dumoulin (tr by John C Maraldo)MC Rosey1980v3-Octoberp342
Ltte - (nominations for an honour roll of visionaries)Frank C Tribbey1980v3-Octoberp343
Parapsychology in a religious studies curriculum: after five yearsL Stafford Bettyy1981v4-Januaryp1
Criteria for establishing the credibility of parapsychological phenomenaIrven Pauly1981v4-Januaryp14
Faith healing & psychic healing: are they the same?Renée Haynesy1981v4-Januaryp22
Faith healing & psychic healing: are they the same?Renee Haynesy1981v4-Januaryp22
Miraculous & paranormal healingRenée Haynesy1981v4-Januaryp30
Miraculous & paranormal healingRenee Haynesy1981v4-Januaryp30
The wide world of survival evidenceElizabeth E McAdamsy1981v4-Januaryp38
Postmortem survivalCarroll B Nashy1981v4-Januaryp43
On the trail of one parameter of mystical attainmentEdgar Wirty1981v4-Januaryp47
Seven days with an avatar (Sri Sathya Sai Baba)Jerome Ellisony1981v4-Januaryp51
The academy, the birds & the frogs (ARPR)J Schoneberg Setzery1981v4-Januaryp56
Announcements - variousvariousy1981v4-Januaryp62
review - Phone Calls from the Dead by D Scott Rogo; Raymond BaylessRodger I. Andersony1981v4-Januaryp66
(reply to RI Anderson - his review of "Phone Calls ...")DS Rogoy1981v4-Januaryp75
review - The Eye of Shiva: Eastern Mysticism & Science by Amaury De RiencourtGene Kieffery1981v4-Januaryp81
review - The Real Nature of Mystical Experience by Gopi KrishnaMC Rosey1981v4-Januaryp83
review - Parapsychology & Out-of-the-Body Experiences by Susan BlackmoreMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Januaryp85
Ltte - (two views on the spiritual nature of man)Edgar Wirty1981v4-Januaryp86
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Aprilp91
The therapist as exorcist: James H Hyslop & the possession theory of psychotherapyRodger I. Andersony1981v4-Aprilp96
A Glimpse Behind the Life ReviewF Gordon Greeney1981v4-Aprilp113
What light do drugs throw on the spiritual & the transpersonal?Walter Houston Clarky1981v4-Aprilp131
Royce on the esoteric aspect of ideasBernhard Mollenhauery1981v4-Aprilp138
review - What Can God Do by Frederick SontagMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Aprilp144
review - Science & Our Troubled Conscience by J Robert NelsonMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Aprilp146
Announcements - variousvariousy1981v4-Aprilp147
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Jul-Octp155
Saintly psi: a study of spontaneous ESP in saints (Butler's Lives of the saints)Rhea A. Whitey1981v4-Jul-Octp157
GlossolaliaFlora May Johnson Piercey1981v4-Jul-Octp168
Santa Teresa de Jesús de AvilaIrven Pauly1981v4-Jul-Octp179
Orienting the church: easternizing ChristianityJohn F Millery1981v4-Jul-Octp182
Evolution & the Gnostic tree of life (rprnt, New Age, Jan 1980)Gene Kieffery1981v4-Jul-Octp190
On the complexity of mediumship & spiritualismLeslie Pricey1981v4-Jul-Octp193
Concerning revelatory wisdom (1)Mary Carman Rosey1981v4-Jul-Octp197
review - The Christ Book: What did he really say? by Christopher HillsJohn Whitey1981v4-Jul-Octp219
review - Your Self, My Self, & the self of the universe by Alfred B StarrattMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Jul-Octp219
review - The Fire of Love & The Mending of Life by Richard RolleMary Carman Rosey1981v4-Jul-Octp222
Announcements & News - variousvariousy1981v4-Jul-Octp223
Ltte - Identity of selfEdgar Wirty1981v4-Jul-Octp225
Ltte - the controversy between Anderson & RogoCTK Chariy1981v4-Jul-Octp226
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Januaryp1
Personal survival in the world's scriptures: its relevance for the modern inquirerL Stafford Bettyy1982v5-Januaryp4
Thoughts suggestive of reincarnationJohn R Crowleyy1982v5-Januaryp13
Reincarnation: a philosophical approach (1)John F Millery1982v5-Januaryp20
Archetypal stages of the great round of mandalaJoan Kellogg & Francesco B Di Leoy1982v5-Januaryp38
Showing 101 to 150 of 1797 entries