Responses to the Krishnamurti Teachings: Insights and Experiences that Transform Lives | Rome Warren | y1996 | - | i13 | Winter | p1 |
'Your are the World' [Talk I at Stanford University pp 84-87] [extract] | J Krishnamurti | y1996 | - | i13 | Winter | p1 |
A Leopard and His Spots: A Short Fairy Tale [4 June 1996] | Mogens Holt | y1996 | - | i13 | Winter | p1 |
Krishnamurti at Ommen [Star Camp 29 July - 5 August 1931 Talk IV and V pp 32-41] | J Krishnamurti | y1997 | - | i14 | Summer | p1 |
Report on the Krishnamurti Australia Seminar: The Work of This Moment [Kuranda Springbrook 3-5 May 1997] | Alan Mann | y1997 | - | i15 | Winter | p1 |
Relationship: Krisnamurti in Colombo [Broadcast Talk 22 January 1950 pp 9-15] | J Krishnamurti | y1997 | - | i15 | Winter | p1 |
Pupul Jayakar's Account of Her Second Meeting With Krishnamurti in Bombay in January 1948 [from 'Encounters with Krishnamurti] | Pupul Jayakar | y1997 | - | i15 | Winter | p1 |
The Chattering Mind [extract from 'Exploration Into Insight'] | J Krishnamurti | y1998 | - | i16 | Summer | p1 |
News and Notes | anon | y1998 | - | i16 | Summer | p1 |
Conversations With Parents and Teachers [Excerpt from 'Beginning of Learning' part 11 No 8] | J Krishnamurti | y1998 | - | i16 | Summer | p1 |
Krishnamurti Gathering in Springbrook October 1998 | anon | y1998 | - | i16 | Summer | p1 |
True Freedom [Talks at Eerde 11 July 1929] | J Krishnamurti | y1998 | - | i17 | Winter | p1 |
Energy and Cultivation of the Field [excerpt from 'Explorations into Insight' pp 84-92] | J Krishnamurti | y1998 | - | i17 | Winter | p1 |
Freedom From the Known [from 'Freedom From the Known' pp 17-19, etc] | J Krishnamurti | y1999 | - | i18 | Summer | p1 |
Answer to a Question [Bangalore 25 July 1948] [from 'On Self Knowledge pp 53-55] | J Krishnamurti | y1999 | - | i19 | Winter | p1 |
On Self Knowledge [Banaras 20 February 1949] [extract from 'On Self Knowledge' pp 114-118] | J Krishnamurti | y1999 | - | i19 | Winter | p1 |
Talks and Dialogues Sydney Australia November 1970 [Excerpt from Talk No 5] | J Krishnamurti | y2000 | - | i20 | Summer | p1 |
Authentic Report of Sixteen Talks 1945-1946 [extracts Talk No 4 at Ojai] | J Krishnamurti | y2000 | - | i20 | Summer | p1 |
Ojai Talks [excerpt from Talk IV 4 June 1944] | J Krishnamurti | y2000 | - | i21 | Winter | p1 |
The Transparent Mind | J Krishnamurti | y2000 | - | i21 | Winter | p1 |
Truth, Violence, Hope, Living, Facts, Creativity [from 'Questions & Answers' 1980] | J Krishnamurti | y2001 | - | i22 | Summer | p1 |
Five Conversations Nos IV and V [excerpts Saanen 1968] | J Krishnamurti | y2001 | - | i23 | Winter | p1 |
Meditative Insights [excerpt from 'The Little Book on Living'] | J Krishnamurti | y2001 | - | i23 | Winter | p1 |
Conversations [excerpt from 'Eight Conversations'] | J Krishnamurti | y2002 | - | i24 | Summer | p1 |
Life Is a Pathless Land [excerpts p 94 Talk 28 December 1929 India] | J Krishnamurti | y2002 | - | i24 | Summer | p7 |
Questions After Talk Five in Bangalore [excerpt from 'Later Talks' Vol IV ' 1976] | J Krishnamurti | y2002 | - | i25 | Winter | p1 |
Quotations From 'Early Talks' Volume II [extract, first published 1926-1933] | J Krishnamurti | y2003 | - | i26 | Summer | p1 |
Action [extract from 'Verbatim Reports' Broadcast Talks in Colombo Ceylon 28 December 1949] | J Krishnamurti | y2003 | - | i27 | Winter | p1 |
Relationship [extract from 'Verbatim Reports' Talk at Colombo 22 January 1950] | J Krishnamurti | y2003 | - | i27 | Winter | p4 |
Morning Talk [Ommen Tuesday 6 August 1929] [extract from 'International Star Bulletin' No 2 pp 15-21 September 1929] | J Krishnamurti | y2003 | - | i28 | Summer | p3 |
Talk in the Oak Grove [Ojai 7 February 1932] [extract from 'Star Bulletin January-February 1933] | J Krishnamurti | y2004 | - | i29 | Winter | p3 |
Invitation to May Gathering | Donald Ingram Smith | y2004 | - | i30 | Summer | p3 |
Awareness and Time: Can conflict be overcome in a period of time? [Bangalore 8 August 1948] | J Krishnamurti | y2004 | - | i30 | Summer | p5 |
Awareness and Time: The moment the mind demands more, it must of necessity create time [Bombay 6 March 1955] | J Krishnamurti | y2004 | - | i30 | Summer | p5 |
Awareness and Time: In Summation [Ojai 30 July 1949] | J Krishnamurti | y2004 | - | i30 | Summer | p8 |
The Third Public Talk, Bombay, 20 February 1966 | J Krishnamurti | y2005 | - | i31 | Spring | p1 |
The Problem of Living: Can Thinking Solve our Ploblems? [extract Krishnamurti Reader 1954] | J Krishnamurti | y2006 | - | i32 | Autumn | p1 |
Special Edition: Vale - Donald Ingram Smith - "The Time Has Come" [reprint 1949] | Inghram Smith | y2006 | - | i33 | Winter | p1 |
Krishnamurti Quotation: Freedom and Happiness - Mankind's Longings | J Krishnamurti | y2006 | - | i34 | Spring | p1 |
Extracts from talks at Ommen 1931 | J Krishnamurti | y2007 | - | i35 | Autumn | p1 |
A Report on the Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering 2006 | anon | y2007 | - | i35 | Autumn | p8 |
Books to Prisons Project | Chris Waters | y2007 | - | i35 | Autumn | p11 |
Burnt Bridge Creek Centre | Geetha and Christopher Waters | y2007 | - | i35 | Autumn | p12 |
From Talks at Frognerseteren, Norway, 1933 | J Krishnamurti | y2007 | - | i36 | Spring | p1 |
Questions and Answers: The Meaning of Life (extract First and Last Freedom) | J Krishnamurti | y2007 | - | i36 | Spring | p10 |
Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering 2007 | anon | y2007 | - | i36 | Spring | p12 |
On Education | Geetha Waters | y2007 | - | i36 | Spring | p13 |
Questions and Answers: From: Oak Grove Talks - Ojai 1932 | J Krishnamurti | y2008 | - | i37 | Autumn | p1 |
Questions and Answers: From: Talks at Frognerseteren Norway 1933 | J Krishnamurti | y2008 | - | i37 | Autumn | p4 |
Questions and Answers: From: Talks at Adyar 1933 - First Talk | J Krishnamurti | y2008 | - | i37 | Autumn | p5 |