The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Lamp

Judge, William Q. unable to visit Toronto-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Mead, George R.S. resumes work after illness-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Howell, D.J. TS lectures-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges 'Mount Royal TS' (Montreal, PQ) principal officers listed-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Fullerton, Alexander mentioned-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Fulton, Dr. James President, Mount Royal TS-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Wright, Claude Falls mentioned-y1894v1i1Augustp13
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel quoted-y1894v1i1Augustp14
alcoholism - "Bands of Hope"-y1894v1i1Augustp14
vegetarianism - "The Vegetarian Creed" (Dr. Neuville, rprnt 'Review of Reviews')-y1894v1i1Augustp15
"The Solid Truth About Vaccination"Ross, Alexander M.y1894v1i1Augustp15
plan of publicationLaDue, Francisy1894v1i1Augustp16
Theosophists "What People Say of Us"-y1894v1i1Augustp16
Theosophical Society (Adyar) General Information-y1894v1i1Augustp16
[Biographical Notes with portraits] : Besant, AnnieSmythe, Albert E.S.y1894v1i2Septemberp17
"Madame Blavatsky"Titus, Ferdinand E.y1894v1i2Septemberp18
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1894v1i2Septemberp20
christianity - Scripture Class Notes[AESS]y1894v1i2Septemberp20
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges 'Toronto TS' activities "The Local Branch"-y1894v1i2Septemberp20
Sparks (a regular feature, similar to "Friday Fragments")-y1894v1i2Septemberp20
LaPierre, Dr. J.W.B. lectures at Toronto-y1894v1i2Septemberp20
quotedRoss, Alexander M.y1894v1i2Septemberp21
plan of publicationLaDue, Francisy1894v1i2Septemberp21
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1894v1i2Septemberp21
"Suicide is not Death" (rprnt from 'New York World')Judge, William Q.y1894v1i2Septemberp22
occultism - Aphorisms (H.P. Blavatsky)-y1894v1i2Septemberp23
Judge, William Q. mentioned-y1894v1i2Septemberp24
Fullerton, Alexander says Toronto a "one-horse place"-y1894v1i2Septemberp24
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1894v1i2Septemberp24
"The New Education" - note on-y1894v1i2Septemberp24
Grant, Principal - mentioned-y1894v1i2Septemberp24
Wright, Claude Falls TS lectures in Toronto-y1894v1i2Septemberp25
Connelly, J.H. mentioned-y1894v1i2Septemberp25
friday fragments - ['a regular column of witty remarks by' AES Smythe]-y1894v1i2Septemberp25
buddhism - "The Way, The Truth, and The Life"-y1894v1i2Septemberp26
obituaries - Maillot, Francois Clement-y1894v1i2Septemberp26
Other Men's Bibles-y1894v1i2Septemberp26
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor)-y1894v1i2Septemberp27
"Maoris and Christianity"-y1894v1i2Septemberp27
christianity - "Luther's 10 Qualifications"-y1894v1i2Septemberp27
Titus, Ferdinand E. TS lecturing, Toronto-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
reincarnation - "Spiritualism and Reincarnation" from 'The Light of Truth'-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1894v1i2Septemberp28
Berridge, William H. Secretary, Kshanti Lodge, Victoria, B.C.-y1894v1i2Septemberp29
Graves, Hessey W. President, Kshanti Lodge, Victoria, B.C.-y1894v1i2Septemberp29
Showing 51 to 100 of 1483 entries