The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge


The White Monk (2)Percy Rossy1888v1-Februaryp466
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v1-Februaryp472
An Auto-Hypnotic RhapsodyAJC, Lucerney1888v1-Februaryp472
Our Other Half"Bertrand Stonex"y1888v1-Februaryp474
The Three Desiresanony1888v1-Februaryp476
filler - Golden Sentences of Democritusanony1888v1-Februaryp480
The Relation of Colour to the Interlaced Triangles, or the PentacleML Brainardy1888v1-Februaryp481
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v1-Februaryp482
Questions (vf)LFFf (? L Florence Ffoulkes)y1888v1-Februaryp485
A Theory of Hauntings (1)Frank Fairholme (Fernholme ?)y1888v1-Februaryp486
The Esoteric Character of the Gospels (3)HPBy1888v1-Februaryp490
review - Spirit Revealed by William C Eldon SerjeantWilliam Ashton Ellis ( - 1919)y1888v1-Februaryp497
review - Traité Élémentaire de Science Occulte par Papus (= G Encausse 1865-1916)anon (HPB ?)y1888v1-Februaryp499
review - The New Wagner Journal, The Meister ed by William Ashton Ellisanony1888v1-Februaryp500
New Year's Eve (vf)Katie Duncan Kingy1888v1-Februaryp501
correspondence - Autocentricism by Robert LewinsCN (? Constance Naden)y1888v1-Februaryp502
What of Phenomena?anon (HPB)y1888v1-Februaryp504
Mohini M Chatterji (1858-1936)AP Sinnett (1840-1921)y1888v1-Februaryp506
to the Editors of LuciferBertram Keightley (1860-1944/5)y1888v1-Februaryp506
to the London Lodge of the Theosophical SocietyMohini Mohun Chatterji (1858-1936)y1888v1-Februaryp506
correspondence - re Hylo-IdealismRobert Lewinsy1888v1-Februaryp507
correspondence - to Dr Lewins, & the Hylo-Idealists at Large"The Adversary" (HPB)y1888v1-Februaryp508
correspondence - Hylo-IdealismGMMcCy1888v1-Februaryp508
Astrological Notes No 4Nemoy1888v1-Februaryp512
Sunday Devotion to Pleasureanon (HPB)y1888v2-Marchp1
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v2-Marchp6
Self-Evident Truths & Logical Deductions (1)Franz Hartmann (1838-1912)y1888v2-Marchp6
Talismanic Magic: SaturnS Liddell MacGregor Mathersy1888v2-Marchp9
The Birth of SpaceCharles Johnstony1888v2-Marchp14
The Blossom & the Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (7)Mabel Collinsy1888v2-Marchp19
The Life PrincipleNDK (? ND Khandalewala)y1888v2-Marchp37
Editor's Note (re Life Principle)(Ed.) (HPB)y1888v2-Marchp41
Two Sonnets: Darwin; The Bust of Socrates (vf)Mary W Galey1888v2-Marchp42
Zarina! (A Vision)Helen Faggy1888v2-Marchp43
The Soul's Desire (vf)Dum Spiro Speroy1888v2-Marchp47
A Theory of Hauntings (2)Frank Fernholme (Fairholme ?)y1888v2-Marchp48
The White Monk (3)Percy Rossy1888v2-Marchp52
Memory (vf)PHDy1888v2-Marchp60
Theosophy & Modern Socialism - by a Socialist Student of Theosophy (2)J Brailsford Brighty1888v2-Marchp62
Occult Phenomena (vf)W Ashton Ellisy1888v2-Marchp67
From "Lucifer" to a few Readersanon (HPB)y1888v2-Marchp68
Re the Brain Theorem of the Universe (Editors note to Robert Lewins letter)anon (HPB)y1888v2-Marchp71
The Theosophical Publication Society (an announcement)anony1888v2-Marchp72
review - Mohammed Benani by Sampson Lowanony1888v2-Marchp73
review - A Modern Apostle; The Elixir of Life; the Story of Clarice; & other poems by Constance CW Nadenanony1888v2-Marchp74
review - A Professor of Alchemy - Denis Zachaire by Percy Rossanony1888v2-Marchp75
review - The Meister - Journal of the Wagner Society, anonanony1888v2-Marchp76
correspondence - re The Brain Theorem of the UniverseRobert Lewinsy1888v2-Marchp77
obituary - The late Mrs Anna Kingsford (1846-1888)anon (HPB)y1888v2-Marchp78
Science & Sciolism - Hylo-Idealism, or the Brain Theorem of Mind & MatterRobert Lewinsy1888v2-Marchp80
Showing 151 to 200 of 2866 entries