The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge


review - Four Great Religions by Annie BesantGRSMy1897v20-Julyp436
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1897v20-Julyp438
Among the Gnostics of the First Two Centuries (9)GRS Meady1897v20-Augustp441
The Cadet's StoryCW Leadbeatery1897v20-Augustp457
The Desire for Psychic ExperiencesBertram Keightleyy1897v20-Augustp472
Eckhartshausen's Catechism (2) (tr Madame I. de Steiger)Eckhartshauseny1897v20-Augustp482
A Singular DreamProf Bergmany1897v20-Augustp490
Reality in TheosophyAlexander Fullertony1897v20-Augustp496
The Confession of Trithemius from Traite des Causes Secondes (tr AA Wells)Jean Tritheme (Johannes Trithemius) 1462-1576y1897v20-Augustp507
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1897v20-Augustp509
review - Sayings of Our Lord discovered & edited by Bernard P Grenfell & Arthur S HuntGRSMy1897v20-Augustp513
review - Traité des Causes Secondes - Bibliotheque Rosicrucienne - by Jean TrithémeAAWy1897v20-Augustp516
review - The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite tr John ParkerAAWy1897v20-Augustp519
review - Ye Book of Ye Cards by ZurestaTOy1897v20-Augustp521
review - The Mind of the Master by John WatsonAAWy1897v20-Augustp522
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various (last entry, last issue under the name Lucifer)anony1897v20-Augustp525
Showing 2851 to 2866 of 2866 entries