The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge


An Adventure in the Tower of LondonVera Petrovna Jelihovsky (Zhelikhovskaia)y1888v3-Septemberp21
On Dynaspheric ForceLaurence Oliphanty1888v3-Septemberp30
Evolution & Involution of the Divine ManJD Brailsfordy1888v3-Septemberp34
The June Time of the OccultistMary R Shippeyy1888v3-Septemberp41
The English of AntiquityAndrew T Sibbaldy1888v3-Septemberp45
A Strange BetrothalSylvester Baxtery1888v3-Septemberp54
Odd Scraps & Notes from JapanC Pfoundes (Omoie Tetzunostzuke)y1888v3-Septemberp61
The Meaning of A PledgeOne who is pledged (Archibald Keightley ?)y1888v3-Septemberp63
correspondence - AstrologicalWilliam Quan Judge (1851-1896)y1888v3-Septemberp68
The Devil, Who is He?Thomas Mayy1888v3-Septemberp68
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v3-Septemberp69
Ltte - Christian or Mental Science?Reginald Birneyy1888v3-Septemberp71
Ltte -?y1888v3-Septemberp71
Editor's footnote to Reginald Birney's Christian or Mental Scienceanon (HPB)y1888v3-Septemberp72
Ltte - The Emendations of HamletM Mully1888v3-Septemberp73
Gerald Massey in AmericaAn Old Admirery1888v3-Septemberp74
review - The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Century tr F HartmannA. Pioday1888v3-Septemberp79
review - Chants of Labour ed by Edward Carpenteranony1888v3-Septemberp80
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v3-Septemberp81
review - Woman (2) Her Glory, Her Shame, & Her God by Saladinanony1888v3-Septemberp81
review - Agnosticism & Christianity by Juliananony1888v3-Septemberp82
The King's Ring (vf)Theodore Tiltony1888v3-Septemberp83
From the Note-Book of an Unpopular Philosophervarious (HPB)y1888v3-Septemberp84
Lodges of Magic (1)(HPB & MC)y1888v3-Octoberp89
Before & After (vf)Evelyn Pyney1888v3-Octoberp96
Accursed (I)Vera Petrovna Jelihovsky (1835-1896)y1888v3-Octoberp97
Theosophical Activities (Sidney GP Coryn ... - 1921 mentioned)anony1888v3-Octoberp105
A Glance at "Parsifal"?W Ashton Ellisy1888v3-Octoberp106
review - Giordano Bruno - A Martyr Theosophist (Gli Eroici Furori, The Heroic Enthusiasts by GB)Charles Johnstony1888v3-Octoberp110
From the East of Time (1)Charles Hannany1888v3-Octoberp114
Development (vf)Mary W Galey1888v3-Octoberp125
A Sufi's Mystical ApologueAJCy1888v3-Octoberp126
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v3-Octoberp131
Editors' Note(HPB & MC)y1888v3-Octoberp131
The Great Man Fall'n (vf)M Mully1888v3-Octoberp132
Aspiration & EnvironmentErnest Hawthorny1888v3-Octoberp133
(Illness of Mabel Collins)HP Blavatskyy1888v3-Octoberp136
footnotes to "A Glance at Theosophy from Outside"(HPB)y1888v3-Octoberp137
A Glance at Theosophy from OutsideJames A. Campbelly1888v3-Octoberp137
The Turn of the Tideanon studenty1888v3-Octoberp143
"A Mother's Sorrow" (vf)Mrs Clara J Bloomfield-Moore (1824-1899)y1888v3-Octoberp144
"... Mme Blavatsky having learnt that ..."HSOy1888v3-Octoberp145
To TheosophistsHPBy1888v3-Octoberp145
(... "misunderstandings have grown up" ...)KHy1888v3-Octoberp146
LetterHP Blavatskyy1888v3-Octoberp147
A Joint NoteHS Olcotty1888v3-Octoberp147
The Echo (vf)anony1888v3-Octoberp148
review - The Kalevala, the Epic Poem of Finland, anon, tr John Martin Crawfordanon (HPB)y1888v3-Octoberp149
review - Paradise Lost - Emendations, Notes & Preface by Matthias Mullanon (Charles Johnston)y1888v3-Octoberp152
Showing 351 to 400 of 2866 entries