The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Magnet

Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [Second and Third Degrees EST at Mortimer Halls 21 May 1927]C Jinarajadasay1928v9i1Aprp24
Invocation to MeditationCW Leadbeatery1928v9i1Aprp34
The Message of OmmenThe Scribey1928v9i1Aprp35
Address by Lady Emily Lutyens [General ES Meeting Mortimer Halls 22 January 1928]Emily Lutyensy1928v9i1Aprp36
Notes of an Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [Artists' Group EST 5 May 1927]C Jinarajadasay1928v9i1Aprp49
Head and Heart - Gardeners (vf)Esther Brighty1928v9i1Aprp55
The Friendless OnesRobert H Spurriery1928v9i1Aprp56
Address by Professor Marcault [ES Teachers' Group 19 May 1927]JE Marcaulty1928v9i1Aprp57
Friends of Animals GroupEsther Brighty1928v9i1Aprp63
The Pit Pony LeagueD Jeffrey Williamsy1928v9i1Aprp65
Cattle Marketsedy1928v9i1Aprp67
LetterEdith Welchy1928v9i1Aprp68
The Anti-Toxin Treatment of Diphtheria - Is It a Failure?Robert H Spurriery1928v9i1Aprp69
Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health for 1926 [July 1927] [extract]George Newmany1928v9i1Aprp72
Letter from the OHAnnie Besanty1928v9i1Aprp73
The ES Libraryanony1928v9i1Aprp75
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1928v9i2Octp79
Address by the OH [General ES Meeting 23 June 1928]Annie Besanty1928v9i2Octp82
Informal Talks by Krishnaji [extracts from Talks 1924-1925]J Krishnamurtiy1928v9i2Octp98
Annie Besant [reprint 'The International Star Bulletin' October 1928]Esther Brighty1928v9i2Octp109
Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [General ES Meeting Adyar 18 December 1927]C Jinarajadasay1928v9i2Octp110
ES Address by Dr Arundale [TS Annual Convention Adyar 25 December 1927]GS Arundaley1928v9i2Octp115
Impressions of the Star Camp at Ommen [August 1928]R Christie, Violet Christiey1928v9i2Octp122
Address by Mrs Cannan [Whitsuntide TS Convention General ES Meeting St Mary's Church 27 May 1928]Julia H Cannany1928v9i2Octp125
Address by Bishop Pigott [General ES Meeting at St Mary's Church 28 May 1928]FW Pigotty1928v9i2Octp133
Notes of an Address to Teachers' Group [ES Members 21 June 1928]JE Marcaulty1928v9i2Octp137
Animals Groupanony1928v9i2Octp141
The ES Libraryanony1928v9i2Octp145
Showing 301 to 331 of 331 entries