The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The New Californian

Bulwer Lytton's ZanoniSarah A Harrisy1892v1i12Junep360
"If an offense come out of truth" [filler]Jeffersony1892v1i12Junep369
Studies in Isis UnveiledGA Danzigery1892v1i12Junep370
Change (vf)Rose Maynard Davidy1892v1i12Junep370
Letters to a StudentJasper Niemandy1892v1i12Junep376
Indian LetterSVEy1892v1i12Junep377
CrystalsLD Bothwelly1892v1i12Junep379
Memorial Day [Anniversary of the departure of Madame HP Blavatsky]anony1892v1i12Junep380
Books and Magazines Reviewedvariousy1892v1i12Junep382
Notes and Newsanony1892v1i12Junep384
Editorial Announcementanony1892v1i12Junep384
[New Editor: Miss Louise A Off. New place of release: Los Angeles, California[indexer note]y1892v2i1Julyp1
PrologueLouise A. Offy1892v2i1Julyp1
[New Subtitle: Philosophy Ethics and Psycology[sic]][indexer note]y1892v2i1Julyp1
The Re-incarnating EgoJerome A Andersony1892v2i1Julyp3
"Oh make the most of what we yet may spend" (vf) [filler]Rubaiyaty1892v2i1Julyp12
Life's Transit (vf)Louise A Offy1892v2i1Julyp13
"There is one Eternal Thinker" [filler]Upanishadsy1892v2i1Julyp13
Hypothesis, Theory, and FactAnnie Elizabeth Cheneyy1892v2i1Julyp14
"Buddhism is eminently practical" [filler]anony1892v2i1Julyp18
Fighting Against Human NatureJS Thomsony1892v2i1Julyp19
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i1Julyp21
Love and PsycheLouise A Offy1892v2i1Julyp25
Cosmopolitan Correspondence - From the Folio of an Oriental TouristCount AWy1892v2i1Julyp26
Cosmopolitan Correspondence - Theosophical DutiesWilliam Q Judgey1892v2i1Julyp28
Cosmopolitan Correspondence - "Theosophy, meaning purely Truth itself"Babujee D Nathy1892v2i1Julyp29
CrystalsLillian Bothwelly1892v2i1Julyp31
Cosmopolitan Correspondence - "The first annual convention of the American Section, of the Theosophical Society"LAOy1892v2i1Julyp31
Editorial Notesanony1892v2i1Julyp32
The Prism of the SoulMaude L Brainardy1892v2i2Augustp36
"In solitude, in the inner movement of thought, is the blessed pinnacle of life" [filler]Spinozay1892v2i2Augustp42
L'Amour [translated from Le Lotus Bleu by Marie L Carhart]Philadelphey1892v2i2Augustp43
Elihu Vedder - A StudyLouise A Offy1892v2i2Augustp45
The Artist's SecretOlive Schreinery1892v2i2Augustp52
Pre-Existence (vf)St George Besty1892v2i2Augustp53
The Relation of Theosophy to Social and Industrial ReformJerome A Andersony1892v2i2Augustp55
A Scientific Analysis of the Units of MatterWH Massery1892v2i2Augustp63
Synthetic ReligionKinza Hiraiy1892v2i2Augustp66
Remarks and ReviewsLAOy1892v2i2Augustp71
CrystalsLillian Bothwelly1892v2i2Augustp72
Soul of the Universe (vf)Swartzy1892v2i3Septemberp76
Theosophy, Mythology and CreationSidney Thomasy1892v2i3Septemberp77
"Do not grudge the hand that is moulding the still too shapeless image within you" [filler]Henry Drummondy1892v2i3Septemberp88
My Soul's QuestioningsLillian Bothwelly1892v2i3Septemberp89
Free WillW Mainy1892v2i3Septemberp90
Pundari - A Story of the Buddha ...Lafcadio Hearny1892v2i3Septemberp96
A Single Page - From the Moral Code of the BuddhistsFLO Rhoerigy1892v2i3Septemberp99
Reverie of an InitiateWilliam A Cheneyy1892v2i3Septemberp101
Showing 151 to 200 of 424 entries