The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Occult Review

Periodical Literatureanony1907v6-July-
Remarkable Occurrences and Presumable Explanations (5)Franz Hartmanny1907v6-July-
review - The Pathway of the Human Spirit Traced by JM PeeblesScrutatory1907v6-July-
review - Character of the Power of Principles by Frank H RandallScrutatory1907v6-July-
The Holy Graal in the Light of the Celtic ChurchArthur Edward Waitey1907v6-July-
The Wisdom of the Mysteries in EgyptMW Blackdeny1907v6-July-
Some African Occult Doings (2)Oje Kulekuny1907v6-July-
Satanism and the Black MassSRy1907v6-July-
illustration - Mrs May Pepper - Pastor of the First Spiritual Church, Brooklyn, USAanony1907v6-July-
Psychometric Delineations and Answers to EnquirersOccult Review Psychometristy1907v6-July-
review - The Seven Wayfarers by Dorothea Hollinsanony1907v6-August-
Psychometric Delineations and Answers to EnquirersOccult Review Psychometristy1907v6-August-
Remarkable Occurrences and Presumable Explanations (6)Franz Hartmanny1907v6-August-
Periodical Literatureanony1907v6-August-
review - Practical Astrology by Alan LeoScrutatory1907v6-August-
On the Demonology and Witchcraft of the Thousand and one NightsWF Kirbyy1907v6-August-
review - The Proofs of Life After Death by Robert J ThompsonWH Chessony1907v6-August-
review - The Religion of Consciousness by F Reginald StathamJ Arthur Hilly1907v6-August-
review - Roger Dinwiddie, Soul Doctor by AM IrvineJ Arthur Hilly1907v6-August-
Mystic Aspects of the Graal LegendArthur E Waitey1907v6-August-
The Chase Vault Mystery (in the Colony of Barbados)anony1907v6-August-
Ltte -HLJMy1907v6-August-
The Truth about Magnetism (1)Reginald Hoddery1907v6-August-
Notes of the Month (Dr Richard Hodgson and the SPR)The Editory1907v6-August-
Ltte -Beatrice Snowdeny1907v6-August-
Mystery (vf)MMMy1907v6-September-
Secret Tradition in Christian TimesAE Waitey1907v6-September-
A Trip to BorderlandAlbert de Chaudrony1907v6-September-
review - The Secret of Mental Magic by William Walker AtkinsonScrutatory1907v6-September-
The Illimitable Influence of ThoughtWJ Colvilley1907v6-September-
Ltte -member Manchester PRSy1907v6-September-
Periodical Literatureanony1907v6-September-
Notes of the Month (Holy Graal found at Glastonbury)The Editory1907v6-September-
review - A Mirror of Shalott by Robert Hugh BensonJ Arthur Hilly1907v6-September-
review - Truths from the Spirit World by M HoeyScrutatory1907v6-September-
review - The Psychology of Religious Belief by James BissettScrutatory1907v6-September-
Remarkable Occurrences and Presumable Explanations (7)Franz Hartmanny1907v6-September-
Psychometric Delineations and Answers to EnquirersOccult Review Psychometristy1907v6-September-
The Truth About Magnetism (2)Reginald Hoddery1907v6-September-
Ltte - I sense a fragranceInvestigatory1907v6-October-
Periodical Literatureanony1907v6-October-
review - A Primer of Clairaudience and Delusional Insanity by J Barker SmithScrutatory1907v6-October-
review - Universal Spiritualism by WJ ColvilleScrutatory1907v6-October-
review - The Psychic Riddle by IK FunkJ Arthur Hilly1907v6-October-
Highland Honours (A Psychic Record)Knobkerryy1907v6-October-
The Holy AssemblyArthur E Waitey1907v6-October-
A Batch of Psychic ExperiencesEdith Wheelery1907v6-October-
The Truth about Magnetism (3)Reginald Hoddery1907v6-October-
Some Facts and Philosophy of Occultism (1) The Doctor's experiences in a haunted houseInkster Gilbertsony1907v6-October-
Notes of the Month (Glastonbury dish not actually the Holy Graal)The Editor & AE Waitey1907v6-October-
Showing 101 to 150 of 6048 entries