illustration - Symbolic Alchemical Design illustrating the work of Woman from Maier's Atalanta Fugiens | (Maier) | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - The Pineal Doorway | PH Palmer | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - The Alchemical Society | H Stanley Redgrove | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - Uncanny Animals | Maude MC Ffoulkes | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - Obstacles to the Gift of Healing | A. Cosgrave George | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - Faked Messages | TH Redfern | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - Modern Numerology | Ellen Lee | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception | FL Morgan | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - Mysterious Lights | PD | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - A Phantom of the Living | Fredk. Vaughan | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - The Encyclopaedia of Occultism | GM Mayhew | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Ltte - The Horoscope of the Acre | Okanagan | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
To Dorothy (vf) | Jessie EP Foreland | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - The Idolatry of Science by Stephen Coleridge | H. | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - A Brazilian Mystic by RB Cunninghame Graham | WH Chesson | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Nature & Super-Nature by John Leslie | H Stanley Redgrove | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - In Converse with Angels by Irene Hallam Elliott | GMH | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - The ABC of Spiritualism by BF Austin | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Is Modern Spiritualism based on Facts or Fancy? by James Coates | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - The Other Side God's Door by Mabel Nixon Robertson | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Letters from the other Side by Henry Thibault | Meredith Starr | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Practical views on Psychic Phenomena by GE Wright | HLH | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - The Soul Slayer by JM Stuart-Young | WH Chesson | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - A Theory of the Mechanism of Survival - The 4th Dimension & its Applications by W Whately Smith | H Stanley Redgrove | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Papers of Peace from Dartmoor by Beatrice Chase | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
review - Does the Earth Rotate? by William Westfield | HLH | y1920 | v31 | - | June | - |
Notes of the Month - A Borderland Philosopher | The Editor | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - Our Unseen Guest by Stephen | the editor | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
The Super-Physical Aspect of Sex | AP Sinnett | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Some Prescient Dreams | Winifred Hurlstone Jones | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
The Secret Doctrine - Personal Recollections of Madame Blavatsky | Edmund Russell | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
A Mysterious Discovery in Derbyshire | Leopold AD Montague | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
A Vision & its Sequel | Lilian Whiting | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Mother Eve (vf) | Arthur E Lloyd Maunsell | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Bird Lore & Superstition | ML Lewes | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - The Spirit's Return | Philana R Peabody-Lloyd | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - Karma of the Forgiveness of Sins | J Scott Battams | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - The Problem of the Tarot Cards | Julius L Lachner | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - Beyond the Pineal Door | RN | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - Uncanny Animals (1) | CA Watson Taylor | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - (probably a wild boar) | Walter Winans | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - Uncanny Animals (2) | Edward AK Dunne | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Ltte - Some Psychic Memories | JP | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - Returned Empty a novel by Florence Barclay | HLH | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - Songs of the Dead by Margaret Napier | WH Chesson | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - Tedious Brief Tales of Granta & Gramarye by Arthur Gray | WH Chesson | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - The Confessions of Jacob Boehme by W Scott Palmer | HJS | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |
review - The Locked Room by Mabel Collins | HJS | y1920 | v32 | - | July | - |