Apollonius & the Mahatmas (2) (Read before the Malden Branch TS) | SB | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p274 |
Teachings of the Master (2) | Unsigned | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p278 |
The Hermetic Philosophy (3) (from July, 1886) | B. | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p281 |
Tea Table Talk | Julius | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p284 |
A Remarkable Occurrence | FC | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p286 |
review - The Theosophist for October | - | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p287 |
The Path exclusive property of William Q Judge (1886/12/1) - Report | - | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p288 |
filler, quoted from the Kabbalistic book, Kitzur-Sh'lh | anon, various | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p288 |
review - Madame Blavatsky: Incidents in Her Life ed by AP Sinnett | - | y1886 | v1 | i9 | December | p288 |
The Elementals (1) the Elementary Spirits & the Relationship between them & Human Beings | CHA Bjerregaard | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p289 |
What is the "Theosophical Society"? | FA | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p300 |
Rotation - Individual Evolution | Jasper Niemand FTS | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p304 |
Thoughts in Solitude (1) | Pilgrim | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p308 |
Tea Table Talk - The Tendency of the Present Civilization. An Ancient Hindu Story | Julius | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p314 |
Boston Branch - Report (America) | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p317 |
California Re Los Angeles & Oakland Branches - Report (America) | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p318 |
New York The Aryan Theosophical Society. Mohini M Chatterji gave address, also Col Ayme - Report (America) | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p318 |
Malden Branch. Lecture by Mohini M Chatterji (1886/12/6) - Report (America) | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p318 |
The American Theosophical Council. Convention held in Cincinnati, O, | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p318 |
review - The Theosophist Leading Article of November 1886 by HP Blavatsky | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p319 |
review - Notes & Queries by Brother Gould | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p319 |
Chicago Branch (1886/12/4) - Report (America) | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p319 |
Esoteric Buddhism. New American Edition (book) | anon | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p320 |
filler, quoted from the Maitrayana-Brahmana-Upanishad | anon, various | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p320 |
Ltte (& readers) | HP Blavatsky | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p320 |
review - The Platonist | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p320 |
review - Psychometry & Thought Transference by NC, FTS with introduction by HS Olcott | - | y1887 | v1 | i10 | January | p320 |
The Elementals (2) the Elementary Spirits & the Relationship between Them & Human Beings | CHA Bjerregaard | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p321 |
Poetical Occultism (4) Some Rough Studies of the Occult Leanings of the Poet | SBJ | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p331 |
Hindu Symbolism (3) | Isaac Myer (also Meyer) | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p334 |
Light on the Path | Charles Johnston | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p335 |
Musings on the True Theosophist's Path | American Mystic | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p339 |
Thought Effects | HNH FTS | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p341 |
Environment. Karma & Reincarnation & the West | Hadji Erinn | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p346 |
Tea Table Talk | Julius | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p348 |
filler, quoted from Buddhaghosha Parables | anon, various | y1887 | v1 | i11 | February | p352 |
A Year on the Path | Unsigned | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p353 |
What is True "Christianity"? | F Hartmann MD | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p355 |
Papyrus - The Gem | Rameses (likely Clement Griscom) | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p359 |
Heralds from the Unseen (1) (Concluded in April 1887) | Jasper Niemand FTS | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p361 |
Thoughts in Solitude (2) | Pilgrim | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p367 |
Hindu Symbolism (4) | Isaac Myer | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p370 |
review - Through the Gates of Gold | - | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p372 |
Considerations on Magic | Pythagoras | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p377 |
Tea Table Talk | Julius | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p380 |
Ltte - Poetical Occultism (1886/11/1) | KH | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p383 |
filler, quoted from Saddharma-Pandarika | anon, various | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p384 |
Universal Unity Poem | Henry Turner Patterson | y1887 | v1 | i12 | March | p384 |
The Second Year | Unsigned | y1887 | v2 | i1 | April | p1 |
Heralds from the Unseen (2) (Concluded) | Jasper Niemand FTS | y1887 | v2 | i1 | April | p3 |