Santa Cruz TS Rented New Premises - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v8 | i9 | December | p293 |
The PC issued Circular Letter, offering Lecturers - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v8 | i9 | December | p293 |
Support of the TS | William Q Judge | y1893 | v8 | i9 | December | p295 |
Sydney Theosophist delighted with Mrs Cooper-Oakley (1893/7/11) - Report (Australia) | - | y1893 | v8 | i9 | December | p295 |
Adyar Defalcation Fund due to SE Gopala Charlu | William Q Judge | y1893 | v8 | i9 | December | p296 |
Occult Arts (4) Some Propositions by HP Blavatsky | William Q Judge | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p297 |
Spiritualism. A "Spirit" Testifies on Materialization | William Q Judge | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p300 |
The Five Great Bestowments of Charity | Buddha | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p304 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - George Robert Stowe Mead | William Q Judge | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p305 |
Relations with Masters | Alexander Fullerton FTS | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p306 |
The Symbolism of the Upanishads (1) | CJ | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p310 |
Disappearance of Ascetics at Will With Note from Editor (1893/9/10) | Kali Prasanna Mukherji | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p315 |
Buddha & a Deva - A Sutra Translated from Chinese | M Matzuyama | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p318 |
Some Work of the Class - Theosophical Correspondence Class | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p320 |
review - Lucifer November, 1893 | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p322 |
review - Theosophist November 1893 Old Diary Leaves 20 | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p322 |
Secret Doctrine (book) | anon | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p323 |
review - The Northern Theosophist New Periodical | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p323 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v6 #12 | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p323 |
review - Theosophy Its Aims & Teachings by JH Fletcher & SGP Coryn | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p323 |
Aryan TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p324 |
Key to Theosophy in Spanish (book) | anon | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p324 |
Mr Burcham Harding in Syracuse (1893/11/21) (tour) | anon | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p324 |
Brooklyn TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
Chicago Lecture Bureau another Member - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
Dr Griffiths lecturing - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
HPB TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
New England Theosophical Corporation - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
Toledo Branch Had Visit from Mr Claude F Wright (1893/11/24) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
Willamette TS Portland Oregon Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p325 |
A Lotus Circle started at Headquarters similar to America - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
Blavatsky Lodge, London very busy in spite of absence of Mrs Besant - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
Macon TS Georgia - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
North of England Federation of TS formed (1893/11/4) - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
Pacific Coast Lecturer in Stockton California - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
Scandinavian Sub-Section Organized under President Dr G Zander - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p326 |
Dutch Lodge shows signs of Health - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p327 |
Work of R Jagannathiah & T Swaminatha deserves mention - Report (India) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p327 |
Adyar Defalcation Fund | William Q Judge | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p328 |
Mrs Besant in India (tour) | anon | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p328 |
The Sangamitta Girls' School at Colombo inspected by Gov. Officials & declared the best - Report (India) | - | y1894 | v8 | i10 | January | p328 |
Upanishads on Re-Births | Unsigned | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p329 |
The Symbolism of the Upanishads (2) | CJ | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p330 |
Hypnotism | William Q Judge FTS | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p335 |
What Proof Have We? | Unsigned | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p339 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - Claude Falls Wright | William Q Judge | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p351 |
Plot Against the Theosophical Society | Unsigned | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p353 |
Of Funds & Property | Unsigned | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p354 |
Reincarnation in Judaism & the Bible | WQJ | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p357 |
review - Borderland January, 1894 | - | y1894 | v8 | i11 | February | p362 |