The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge


review: 'Gaia 2: Emergence, The New Science of Becoming' ed by William Irwin ThompsonGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp91
Cinema/Video: Spiritual Themes on Film and Video: A Consumer's GuideRay Grassey1992v5i1Springp92
This Talking Earth: Eternal SpringBruce Vancey1992v5i1Springp96
letter: Centering at the MoviesAnne S Pauly1992v5i2Summerp4
letter: Fear of 'Saganization'Robert A Weilery1992v5i2Summerp4
letter: What Did the Buddha Teach?Robin Tuthilly1992v5i2Summerp4
letter: Real Men, Real WomenGary Schouborgy1992v5i2Summerp5
letter: To Inform, Enlighten, InspireHelen Bryansy1992v5i2Summerp5
letter: Tramontane Tutelage on HPBPhyllis Zimmermanny1992v5i2Summerp6
letter: Arthur Young and Occult PhilosophyThomas Greeny1992v5i2Summerp6
letter: Potential Starts with Human ExperienceDarvin C Geyery1992v5i2Summerp6
letter: A Magic Journey Across Space and TimeJen Leey1992v5i2Summerp7
letter: The Quest and Small Town LibrariesValerie Kohny1992v5i2Summerp7
letter: More Than an AppetizerDolores Mitchelly1992v5i2Summerp7
letter: Richly AbsorbingDavid Beckery1992v5i2Summerp7
Explorations: New Light from Old Caves: The Unveiling of the Dead Sea Scrolls MysteryStephan A Hoellery1992v5i2Summerp8
Thinking Aloud: Science and Metaphysics: In the Shadow of the SphinxRosemary Clarky1992v5i2Summerp10
Parliament of Religions 1893/1993: Toward a New Sense of the 'God-Like'Anton Lysyy1992v5i2Summerp12
The Gay ScienceFriedrich Nietzschey1992v5i2Summerp13
ForgivenessStephen Leviney1992v5i2Summerp16
The Way Ahead: A Glimpse of Shambhala [extract]Robert A F Thurmany1992v5i2Summerp22
Inner and Outer Technologies: Jean Gebser's Integral ConsciousnessGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i2Summerp26
Walking in Albion: Chronicles of Plan-Net Geomancy (2)Richard Levitony1992v5i2Summerp34
Virtual Reality: Philosophical Implications of a New TechnologyFrank J Dyery1992v5i2Summerp38
Beyond History into Story: An Interview with Jean HoustonWilliam Metzgery1992v5i2Summerp48
The Aftereffects of TransformationP M H Atwatery1992v5i2Summerp58
The Divine SparkSherry Sonnetty1992v5i2Summerp64
The Divine Is the Sea: An Interview with Mother MeeraChristine Coxy1992v5i2Summerp70
Music of the Spheres: Music for Being Born into DeathDon G Campbelly1992v5i2Summerp83
review: 'Food for Solitude: Menus and Meditations to Heal Body, Mind and Soul' by Francine SchiffGabriele Uhleiny1992v5i2Summerp84
review: 'Sacred Paths: Essays on Wisdom, Love and Mystical Realization' by Georg FeuersteinJames E Roystery1992v5i2Summerp84
review: 'The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped Our World View' by Richard TarnasBob Crafty1992v5i2Summerp86
mini-review: 'Frontiers of the Soul: Exploring Psychic Evolution' by Michael Grossoanony1992v5i2Summerp88
mini-review: 'Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society' by Stephan A Hoelleranony1992v5i2Summerp88
mini-review: 'Godseed: The Journey of Christ' by Jean Houstonanony1992v5i2Summerp88
mini-review: 'The Common Experience: Signposts on the Path to Enlightenment' by J M Cohen and J-F Phippsanony1992v5i2Summerp89
review: 'The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature' by Michael MurphyGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i2Summerp89
mini-review: 'The Voice of the Silence' by H P Blavatskyanony1992v5i2Summerp89
review: 'Foods of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge, A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution' by Terence McKennaGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i2Summerp89
review: 'An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism' ed by Beverly MoonGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i2Summerp90
Cinema/Video: Two Views of 'Mindwalk'Ruthann Fowlery1992v5i2Summerp92
Cinema/Video: Two Views of 'Mindwalk'Anton Lysyy1992v5i2Summerp93
This Talking Earth: The CaretakersBruce Vancey1992v5i2Summerp96
letter: Of Hermetists and PuritansWilliam Dasmanny1992v5i3Autumnp4
letter: Of Hermetists and PuritansEdward L Bertschyy1992v5i3Autumnp4
letter: Stephan Hoeller RepliesStephan Hoellery1992v5i3Autumnp5
letter: Of Hermetists and PuritansGloria J Leitnery1992v5i3Autumnp5
letter: The Coming RaceJames Kochy1992v5i3Autumnp6
letter: Bahai as New Age MovementMark Townsendy1992v5i3Autumnp6
Explorations: Wholes: Keys to UnderstandingAnna F Lemkowy1992v5i3Autumnp8
Showing 401 to 450 of 4126 entries