Ltte - (G Hodson's Observations) | Dr DD Lyness | y1959 | v3 | - | April | p15 |
Ltte - (Etheric Research) | Mrs Adelaide Gardner | y1959 | v3 | - | April | p16 |
A New Interpretation of "Occult Chemistry" | Dr HS Murdoch | y1959 | v3 | - | April | p19 |
The Biology of Purpose; a new Appraisal | RW Grant | y1959 | v3 | - | April | p22 |
Occult Chemistry & the Etheric (1) | Dr EL Smith | y1959 | v3 | - | May | p1 |
The Three Gunas | Dr JF Niemoller (TS, Holland) | y1959 | v3 | - | May | p4 |
Brief Notes on the Cause-effect Relationship | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | May | p12 |
News Sheet | RW Grant | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p2 |
The Syntope Hypothesis | Dr WD Margadant (TS, Holland) | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p4 |
Synopsis of Names to be corrected in OC 3 | WDM | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p11 |
Comments on the Dr Margadant's paper | VW Slater | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p12 |
Occult Chemistry & the Rare Earths | VW Slater | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p12 |
Occult Chemistry & the Etheric (2) | Dr EL Smith & N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p13 |
Comments on the Theosophical & Scientific Conceptualisations | NS Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p17 |
Paper for SGJ written 1-6-59 (Report on Observations carried out by Mr G Hodson) | Dr DD Lyness | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p24 |
Ltte - (Problems in clairvoyant research) | Mr R Murray Denning | y1959 | v3 | - | Jun-Jul | p27 |
Editorial | anon | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p1a+ |
News Sheet | RW Grant | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p1 |
Some difficulties of Radiesthesia diagnosis | Dr H Tudor Edmunds | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p2 |
The Velocity of Light | Dr E Lester Smith | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p3 |
Matter & Radiation | Dr HS Murdoch | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p5 |
Syntopes | WD Margadant (TS, Holland) | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p10 |
Whither Occult Chemistry? | Dr HS Murdoch | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p11 |
Ltte - (an extract - clairvoyant investigation) | Dr WE Wilks | y1959 | v3 | - | August | p14 |
What is the Underlying Continuum of the Universe? | Dr C Trew | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p2 |
obituary - Richard Clarence Groves - 27th July 1959 | VWS | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p2 |
extract from "Is Newton's Law of gravitation really universal?" by Fritz Zwicky | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p5 |
Comments on the Syntope Hypothesis & the Rare Earth Problem | Dr HS Murdoch | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p7 |
Theosophy in its Aspect as a Synthesis | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p11 |
Ltte - (plea - find out what ESP research has already been done) | Dr LJ Bendit | y1959 | v3 | - | September | p16 |
Editorial - (100 subscribers in 17 countries) | anon | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p1 |
News Sheet (Lyness-Hodson transcripts mentioned) (Synopsis of other discussions) | RW Grant | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p2 |
re Dr Lester Smith's paper on "Purposive Education" | R Grant | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p3a+ |
Notes & Comments - "Mental Health in the Light of Ancient Wisdom" | Dr Henry V Dicks | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p3 |
The One Law | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p4 |
Comments on the Syntope Hypothesis | A. Withall | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p7 |
(In connection with Sodium in the atmosphere & CWL's account) | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p11 |
Reply to Dr Murdoch's comments on the Syntope Hypothesis | WD Margadant | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p12 |
extract from a letter to Dr Lester Smith | WD Margadant | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p14 |
The following is an extract from Clairvoyant Investigations | Mr Geoffrey Hodson | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p15 |
Ltte - re Dr Trew's latest article | Mr R Hartley | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p17 |
Ltte - the SD & HPB & universal gravitation | Dr H Sabetay | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p17 |
Ltte - re 2nd Object | Dr Johannes Jacobus Poortman | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p18 |
reply (to Dr Poortman) | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | October | p19 |
News Sheet - discussion abstract - The Underlying Continuum of the Universe | anon | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p1 |
Four-point Programme for the Theosophical Society | FL Kunz | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p2 |
The Continuum | R Hartley | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p3 |
Comments on Mr Hartley's paper | N Reed | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p6 |
Letter to Dr E Lester Smith - the anu & morphogenetic fields | Leslie C Ludbrook | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p8 |
Letter to the Science Group | Julius Fleischanderl | y1959 | v3 | - | November | p12 |