The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Star in the East. Australian Division

Editorial comments on Amphitheatrevarious periodicalsy1924v6i2Aprilp8
Amphitheatre Watcher's Numberanony1924v6i3Julyp1
The Watcher on the Tower (vf)Madison Julius Caweiny1924v6i3Julyp1
Editorial Notes - Ojai, California - Our Headedy1924v6i3Julyp2
The Amphitheatreanony1924v6i3Julyp3
Why We Expect HimCW Leadbeatery1924v6i3Julyp8
Quarterly Reportsanony1924v6i3Julyp12
[October 1924 - January 1925 combined issue]-y1924v6i4October-
Amphitheatre at Workanony1925v7i1Januaryp1
photo - Amphitheatre: Facing the Eastanony1925v7i1Januaryp1
Editorial Notes - Opening Occasions, Star Lecturesedy1925v7i1Januaryp2
photos - To Watch for 'The Great Teacher' - Balmoral's Amphitheatre of the Star in the Eastanony1925v7i1Januaryp3
Editorial Notes - The Other Wise Man, Loud Speaking and Receiving Equipmentedy1925v7i1Januaryp4
Editorial Notes - From Dr Annie Besant, Seats and Roll of Watchers, Self-Preparation Groupsedy1925v7i1Januaryp5
Editorial Notes - The invocation, Our Magazineedy1925v7i1Januaryp7
The Work of the World Teacher in the inner WorldAnnie Besanty1925v7i1Januaryp8
Sydney Star Meetingsanony1925v7i1Januaryp12
Financial ReportGH Chappely1925v7i1Januaryp12
photo - Star Land, Point Resolution, Claremont, WA - Swan River, Perthanony1925v7i2April+p1
Gardens of the Star Numberanony1925v7i2Aprilp1
Where the Blessed Feet Have Trod (vf)Michael Fieldy1925v7i2Aprilp1
Editorial Notesedy1925v7i2Aprilp2
Seat Owners, Roll of Watchersanony1925v7i2April+p2
Insert re The Star Amphitheatreanony1925v7i2April+p3
The Tea RoomWinifred Pricey1925v7i2Aprilp5
To K (vf)A Child Membery1925v7i2Aprilp5
A DreamA Membery1925v7i2Aprilp5
Footprints of the LordMary E Rockey1925v7i2Aprilp6
Reports from Melbourne and Brisbaneanony1925v7i2Aprilp13
Ltte - from PerthMaude W Fishery1925v7i2Aprilp13
The Roll of Watchersanony1925v7i2Aprilp14
Hon Treasurer's ReportGH Chappely1925v7i2Aprilp14
Appeal from the HeadJ Krishnamurtiy1925v7i2Aprilp15
On the Care of ChildrenCW Leadbeatery1925v7i2Aprilp16
Recent Utterances of Dr Besant (extract 'Theosophist' 1925)Annie Besanty1925v7i2Aprilp16
Star Congress 1925 (Holland)VD Leeuwy1925v7i2Aprilp16
The Order of the Star in the Eastanony1925v7i2Aprilp17
Music for AsylumsBLRy1925v7i2Aprilp17
Gardens of the Star (continued)anony1925v7i3Julyp1
My Garden (vf)Thomas Edward Browny1925v7i3Julyp1
The Tribute Offering (Church of Sta Alban Tribute Fund, Co-Masonic Temple)anony1925v7i3July+p1
photo - CW Leadbeateranony1925v7i3July+p1
A Tribute Offering to Bishop Leadbeater [7 pages]Mary E Rockey1925v7i3July+p1
Editorial Notesedy1925v7i3Julyp2
LtteAnnie Besanty1925v7i3Julyp3
Gardens of the Star in Adelaideedy1925v7i3Julyp6
From 'Christian Evidences' (vf)Robert Hugh Bensony1925v7i3Julyp6
Address at the Star Conference Held at the AmphitheatreJ Krishnamurtiy1925v7i3Julyp7
The Tribute Offeringedy1925v7i3Julyp7
Extracts from Lady Emily Lutyens' Speech at the Star Conference, Amphitheatreedy1925v7i3Julyp9
Showing 151 to 200 of 234 entries