The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

Contents of Part 1anony1905v2-Julyp2
1. List of Officers - President Annie Besantanony1905v2-Julyp3
2. Statement of Accounts 1904Edith Wardy1905v2-Julyp6
3. Opening Meetinganony1905v2-Julyp7
4. Addresses by Members of Kindred Societies & Movementsanony1905v2-Julyp8
5. Meetings of Departments(Johan Van Manen)y1905v2-Julyp9
6. Exhibition of Arts & Craftsanony1905v2-Julyp19
7. Public Meetinganony1905v2-Julyp20
8. Receptions & Entertainments - Dramatic Performanceanony1905v2-Julyp21
9. Closing Meetinganony1905v2-Julyp23
10. Meetings of the Council of the FederationDr Th. Pascaly1905v2-Julyp24
Part 2 - General Addressesanony1905v2-Julyp27
Contents of Part 2anony1905v2-Julyp28
Address of WelcomeBertram Keightleyy1905v2-Julyp29
Presidential AddressAnnie Besanty1905v2-Julyp31
Secretary's ReportJohan Van Maneny1905v2-Julyp39
The Gnosis of the Past & Theosophy of the PresentGRS Meady1905v2-Julyp41
Closing AddressAnnie Besanty1905v2-Julyp47
Part 3 - Addresses by Members of Kindred Societiesanony1905v2-Julyp51
Contents of Part 3anony1905v2-Julyp52
Christian Doctrine as seen by the MysticWF Cobby1905v2-Julyp53
Francis Bacon & the "New Atlantis"Harold Bayleyy1905v2-Julyp61
The Philosophy of SpiritualismE Wake Cooky1905v2-Julyp73
Guilds, Old & NewEdward Spencery1905v2-Julyp85
Part 4 - Departmental Papersanony1905v2-Julyp99
Contents of Part 4anony1905v2-Julyp100
Department A - Brotherhoodanony1905v2-Julyp101
Contents of Department A - Practical & Philosophicalanony1905v2-Julyp102
(in French) Droit ou DevoirDA Courmesy1905v2-Julyp103
(in French) Essai sur l'EgaliteLievin Revely1905v2-Julyp109
(in French) Essai sur l'ÉgalitéLiévin Revely1905v2-Julyp109
One of the Uses of AltruismEdgar Loamy1905v2-Julyp113
Department B - Comparative Religion, Mysticism, Folkloreanony1905v2-Julyp121
Contents of Department Banony1905v2-Julyp122
The Myth of Man in the Mysteries - A Hellenistic Source of Gnosticism (from Thrice Greatest Hermes p139-198)GRS Meady1905v2-Julyp123
(in French) Note sur les GunasG Chevriery1905v2-Julyp125
That Thou ArtPurnendu Narayana Sinhay1905v2-Julyp133
The Religion of our Forefathers - the mythology of the GermansA. von Ulrichy1905v2-Julyp143
Notes on Some British Mystics - George Berkly; William Law (1686-1761); Samuel Taylor ColeridgeML (or LM) Browney1905v2-Julyp181
Notes on Some British Mystics - Richard Rolle; Walter Hilton; Lady Juliana; Henry Moore; John NorrisML (or LM) Browney1905v2-Julyp181
Department C - Philosophyanony1905v2-Julyp193
Contents of Department Canony1905v2-Julyp194
The Occult Basis of Goethe's WorkRudolf Steinery1905v2-Julyp195
(in French) Esquisse d'une Etude du Sentiment de la RealiteL Desainty1905v2-Julyp211
(in French) Esquisse d'une Étude du Sentiment de la RéalitéL Desainty1905v2-Julyp211
Analogical DiagramsAWy1905v2-Julyp217
(in French) Instinct et Conscience - Hygiene et MoralePierre E Bernardy1905v2-Julyp233
(in French) Instinct et Conscience - Hygiène et MoralePierre E Bernardy1905v2-Julyp233
Department D - Science (including "Borderland" Sciences)anony1905v2-Julyp243
Contents of Department Danony1905v2-Julyp244
Showing 101 to 150 of 415 entries