The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

Contents of Department Danony1906v3-Julyp280
(in French) Essai sur le Mécanisme du Rève cérébralDr Th. Pascaly1906v3-Julyp281
(in French) Essai sur le Mecanisme du Reve cerebralDr Th. Pascaly1906v3-Julyp281
The Agreement of Eastern with Western AstronomyM Roso de Lunay1906v3-Julyp283
chart - Mendeleeff's table - unusualanony1906v3-Julyp297
(in French) Les Etats subtila de la Matiere et les Retours de la Science o la metaphysiqueL Desainty1906v3-Julyp313
(in French) Les États subtila de la Matière et les Retours de la Science ò la métaphysiqueL Desainty1906v3-Julyp313
Rhythmic Energies & Form-BuildingF Bligh-Bondy1906v3-Julyp317
illustration plate 2 compound cyclopid of two concurrent circular vibrations of the frequency 11:2anony1906v3-Julyp324a+
illustration plate 1 - simplest figureanony1906v3-Julyp324a+
Department E - Artanony1906v3-Julyp333
Contents of Department Eanony1906v3-Julyp334
(in French) Note sur la reconstitution d'une Invocation aux Dieux Planétaires (dans les Temples de l'antique)Edmond Baillyy1906v3-Julyp335
musical score - Chant des voyelles (Egypte Ancienne)reconstitué par Edmond Baillyy1906v3-Julyp338
musical score - Chant des voyelles (Egypte Ancienne)reconstitue par Edmond Baillyy1906v3-Julyp338
(in French) "La Flute Enchantee" de W MozartA. Andre-Gedalgey1906v3-Julyp343
(in French) "La Flûte Enchantée" de W MozartA. André-Gedalgey1906v3-Julyp343
(in French) a KH (vf)Caroline Desboisy1906v3-Julyp349
(in French) à KH (vf)Caroline Desboisy1906v3-Julyp349
Department G - Administration, Propaganda, Methods of Work, etcanony1906v3-Julyp351
Contents of Department Ganony1906v3-Julyp352
(in French) L'etude systématique de la Cabbale par des ThéosophesRé. Leviey1906v3-Julyp353
(in French) L'etude systematique de la Cabbale par des TheosophesRe. Leviey1906v3-Julyp353
Department H - History of the Theosophical Society & the Theosophical Movementanony1906v3-Julyp355
Contents of Department Hanony1906v3-Julyp356
Theosophical Work in IndiaPC Taraporey1906v3-Julyp357
Proposals, Discussions, Criticisms, Projects, Considerations, Suggestions, Resolutions, etcanony1906v3-Julyp363
Contents of Department Ianony1906v3-Julyp364
(in French) Une Revue Spiritualiste UniverselleTh. Darely1906v3-Julyp365
Part 5anony1906v3-Julyp367
Contents of Part 5 - Indexanony1906v3-Julyp368
The Pronounciation of Sanskrit Wordsanony1906v3-Julyp369
Index to Parts 2, 3, 4anony1906v3-Julyp371
(Pocket rear inside cover containing diagrams)anony1906v3-Julyp378y+
Contents of Part (1) Officialanony1923v8-Julyp2
List of Officers - President of the Congress - C Jinarajadasa - Council of the Federationanony1923v8-Julyp3
List of Officers - Austrian National Committee - Sub-committeesanony1923v8-Julyp5
FENS of the TS Statement of Accounts 1923John Cordesy1923v8-Julyp6
Receipt & Expenditure Account, Congress, 1923John Cordesy1923v8-Julyp8
Opening Meetinganony1923v8-Julyp9
Report of the Secretary of the Federation 1921-1923Miss CW Dijkgraafy1923v8-Julyp10
Meetings of the Council of the Federation - Agendaanony1923v8-Julyp14
Closing Meetinganony1923v8-Julyp17
Contents of Part (2) General Addresses & Lecturesanony1923v8-Julyp20
Address of WelcomeJohn Cordesy1923v8-Julyp21
Presidential AddressC Jinarajadasay1923v8-Julyp23
Life as CeremonialMrs Besant-Scotty1923v8-Julyp28
The Story of the Holy GrailMrs J Bindleyy1923v8-Julyp38
InternationalismJ Krishnamurtiy1923v8-Julyp40
Introduction (Internationalism - J Krishnamurti)C Jinarajadasay1923v8-Julyp40
Showing 251 to 300 of 415 entries