The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Uncertain Winds Guide Public Opinion - The Fierce Irony of a Warrior Shines in the Last and Unfinished Text Left by HPB in 1891 [from "Collected Writings" of HPB edited by Boris de Zirkoff volume XIII pp209-214]Helena P Blavatsky and Editorial Commentary by CCAy2019v19i7Mayp14
A Course in Discipleship According to the Masters - Self-Reliance in Theosophy: a Study in the Path to Wisdom(Independent Lodge of Theosophists)y2019v19i7Mayp18
The New Items in Our Websitesanony2019v19i7Mayp19
Triumph of Goodwill: The Philosophy of Enthusiasm [from 'The Key to Theosophy']Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i8Junep1
Mahatma Gandhi and the Law [from 'Religion in a Changing World' p22]S Radhakrishnany2019v19i8Junep2
The Depth of One's Contentmentanony2019v19i8Junep2
Helena Blavatsky: The Priority Must Be the Law [from 'The Key to Theosophy' p248]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i8Junep3
Causes and Effectsanony2019v19i8Junep4
A Classical View: Political Reforms and Theosophy [quote from: 'The Key to Theosophy' p231]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i8Junep4
On Loving One's Country - Strong Local Communities Preserve Peaceanony2019v19i8Junep5
Theosophy and Nationalism - Universal Brotherhood and the Practice of Solidarity Among Communities [from 'The Key to Theosophy' pp44-45]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i8Junep7
The Power of the Number Seven [from "The Beacon of the Unknown" part V paragraph two in the 'Collected Writings' volume XI p267][Helena P Blavatsky]y2019v19i8Junep8
The Process of Second Birth - Expanding and Purifying One's Consciousnessanony2019v19i8Junep9
S Radhakrishnan: Preserving the Power of the Soul [from 'Religion in a Changing World' p46]S Radhakrishnany2019v19i8Junep10
A Lesson in Realism - Human Nature Cannot Suddenly Change [from "The Mahatma Letters" p3 Letter I](A Master of the Wisdom)y2019v19i8Junep11
The New Items in Our Websitesanony2019v19i8Junep11
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 27 - Overcoming Mistrust Among Disciples - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 36, 37, 38 and 39] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i8Junep12
Fragments from a Theosophist's Writings Taking Things as They Come And Dealing With Them Singly Day to Day [quotations from 'The Friendly Philosopher']Robert Crosbiey2019v19i8Junep16
Does a Community Reflect the Life of Its Members? Every Nation is a Mirroranony2019v19i8Junep18
If You See an Injustice Don't Blame the Victimanony2019v19i9Julyp1
Happiness in Eastern Wisdom - Commentaries to a Chapter of the Dhammapadaanony2019v19i9Julyp3
Thoughts Along the Road - One Must Renounce to the World of Matter Before Attaining a Celestial Victoryanony2019v19i9Julyp7
Developing an Accurate View - It Takes an Honest Heart to See The Mystery of Universal Wisdomanony2019v19i9Julyp8
The Theosophy of Romanticismanony2019v19i9Julyp9
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 28 - The Need To Be Loyal and Just If One Seeks for Universal Wisdom - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 41, 42, 45, 46 and 47] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note and notes by CCAy2019v19i9Julyp10
Life's Constant Renewal: The Youth and Old Age in One's Soulanony2019v19i10Augustp1
Attaining Contentmentanony2019v19i10Augustp3
The Healing Effect of Inner Peaceanony2019v19i10Augustp4
Thoughts Along the Road - An Accurate View Depends On Having the Right Purposeanony2019v19i10Augustp5
The Book of Destiny - There is No Reason to Waste Time in Life For Living is Establishing Our Future Karma [from 'Maktub - The Book of Destiny and Other Stories' pp9-14]Malba Tahany2019v19i10Augustp7
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 29 - Letters to the Chela S Ramaswamier - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letters 48, 49 and 60] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i10Augustp12
Boris Johnson Quotes Churchill On An Improvement of the Heartanony2019v19i11Septemberp1
The Key to Contentment: Less Cunning More Intelligenceanony2019v19i11Septemberp3
IK Taimni: The Role of Tapas in Raja Yoga [from: "The Science of Yoga" pp225-226]IK Taimniy2019v19i11Septemberp6
A Book Recommended by Helena Blavatsky: Buchanan on Moral Education [extracts: Joseph R Buchanan 'Moral Education: Is Laws and Methods'; quotes from: 'The Theosophist' December 1883]Joseph Rhodes Buchanan; HP Blavatsky; Editorial note anony2019v19i11Septemberp7
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 30 - Other Letters to the Chela S Ramaswamier [Letters 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i11Septemberp11
Thoughts Along the Road - The Feet of the Pilgrim Must Be Firm on the Ground if he Wants to Look at the Skyanony2019v19i11Septemberp16
Pitirim A Sorokin: The Spiritual Power of Marriage The Most Decisive Factor in Human Survival [from 'The American Sex Revolution' pp4-6]Pitirim A Sorokiny2019v19i12Octoberp1
Galen of Pergamon and Esoteric Philosophy: Theosophy or the Medicine of the SoulCCAy2019v19i12Octoberp3
Blavatsky on Hercules and The Sun - Selected Fragments from HPB's "Isis Unveiled"Helena P. Blavatskyy2019v19i12Octoberp5
A Lunatic Race? Nurturing Violence in Any Area Has Effects on Every Aspect of the World and Human Society ["On the Watch-Tower" in 'The Theosophist' April 1996 pp243-245]Radha Burniery2019v19i12Octoberp8
Camoes On Altruistic Love [from "Love Sonnets" Sonnet LXXIII p55]Luis de Camoesy2019v19i12Octoberp11
The Secret Doctrine: Everything Is Alive in the Universe [from 'The Secret Doctrine' volume I pp248-250]Helena P Blavatskyy2019v19i12Octoberp12
Thoughts Along the Road: The Sun and the Moon Are Our BrethrenCCAy2019v19i12Octoberp13
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 31 - The Three Authors of "The Secret Doctrine" [Letters 70, 71, and 72] [from 'Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series'Notes by C Jinarajadasa and Editorial Note by CCAy2019v19i12Octoberp14
The Waters of LifePGNy2019v19i12Octoberp17
The Journey of Moral Learninganony2019v19i12Octoberp18
Living Theosophically - The Doctrine of the Higher Self And the Rhythm of Universal Life [reprint: 'The Theosophist' November 1980]Geoffrey A Farthingy2019v20i1Novemberp1
Henry Longfellow: The Law of Cycles (vf) [from: [re-titled from "Michael Angelo" in 'The Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow']Henry Longfellowy2019v20i1Novemberp7
Helena P Blavatsky: On Hercules and the Pleiades [from HP Blavatsky 'Collected Writings' vol V pages 162-163]HP Blavatsky with Editorial note by CCAy2019v20i1Novemberp8
Showing 3151 to 3200 of 3398 entries