The Circle for the Study of Discipleship - A Tool for Those Who Want to Improve the Learning of the Soul - Independent Lodge of Theosophists | anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p14 |
Conservation of Soul Energy [From "Theosophy" Magazine, Los Angeles | anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p17 |
The Power of Dreams - Ideas Move and Sustain Every Aspect of Life | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p1 |
George Orwell and "Doublethink" - Ernest Wood, on Liberty of Thought in the Adyar Society | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p3 |
Lessons from a Mudded Planetary Transition - China and the Implosion of the West | (CCA) | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p5 |
Preserve Lives Spend More Time at Home Wear a Mask | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p8 |
Adler Challenges a Solid Consensus | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p9 |
The Need to Face Challenges - There Is a Difference Between Brotherhood and Uniformity of Thought | (CCA) | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p11 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Yoga and Theosophy Bring About a Peace that Never Parts with the Pilgrim | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p12 |
Adyar Theosophical Society Supported the Jewish Tradition | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p15 |
The Meaning of the Christmas Star - The Star of Bethlehem and the Esoteric Symbolism In the Legend of Jesus' Birth | anon | y2020 | v21 | i2 | December | p16 |
The Only Important Temple - A Shrine and Altar in Our Own Souls [from "The Secret Doctrine" vol I p280] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p1 |
On Strengthening One's Will | anon | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p2 |
The Geography of Omniscience [from "The Secret Doctrine" vol I p277 the second fragment is a footnote] | HP Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p4 |
The Mountain the Daisy the Ant and the Human Being [from pp260-261 Volume I "The Secret Doctrine" vol I p260-261 with paragraph divisions added] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p7 |
Priorities in Human Evolution | anon | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p8 |
Concerning the Moral Sense - 01 - Or the Faculty of Perceiving Moral Excellence And Its Supreme Objects [from "A System of Moral Philosophy" vol I Chapter IV pp53-56, spelling updated] | Francis Hutcheson | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p9 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Deep Satisfaction and Contentment Are Produced by the Love of One's Duty | anon | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p11 |
The Art of Reading 'The Secret Doctrine' [translated from the Foreword to the on-going Portuguese-Brazilian Online Edition of "The Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky] | anon | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p12 |
On the Brink of Absolute Eternity - During the Pralayas the Souls Are in a Nirvana | anon | y2021 | v21 | i3 | January | p15 |
James Rickards in a 2015 book: Life in the Year of 2024 [from "The Big Drop" pp 1-2] | James Rickards | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p1 |
J Rickards and the Economy of Ethics - The Force of Sincerity Works as a Moral Vaccine to Preserve Life | anon | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p2 |
A Few Truths About the People [from "Between Tears and Laughter"] | Lin Yutang | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p3 |
Universal Language in Ancient Times [extract "The Secret Doctrine" vI p310] | Helena Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p3 |
Life as an Alchemical Process | anon | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p4 |
The Moon and the Cat in Ancient Egypt [from longer quotation of G Massey words in "The Secret Doctrine" by HP Blavatsky vI p304] | Gerald Massey | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p6 |
Meal Time Prayer - May I Realize the Path of Awakening (vf) [from the Buddhist tradition] | anon | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p7 |
Practical Exercise: Awareness of the Golden Chain [from the Buddhist tradition] | anon | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p8 |
Correspondence With Joy Mills - 01 - Evaluating Mistakes and Strong Points in the Theosophical Literature [with A February 2021 Editorial Note (CCA)] | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p9 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Individual Consciousness a Ladder to Heaven | anon | y2021 | v21 | i4 | February | p17 |
The Pandera Theory Regarding the Birth of Jesus | anon | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p1 |
Mantra Yoga in 'The Secret Doctrine' | anon | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p4 |
The Secret Doctrine In Antiquity and Nowadays [from 'The Secret Doctrine' vI p341] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p5 |
Leaving Self-Importance Aside - The Awakening of a Wider View of Life [from (internet) 'Antahkarana the Bridge to Sky'] | [Carlos Cardoso Aveline] | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p6 |
Freedom From Propaganda | anon | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p7 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Philosophy Integrates Heaven and Earth | anon | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p8 |
Correspondence With Joy Mills - 02 - Evaluating Mistakes and Strong Points in the Theosophical Literature [with A February 2021 Editorial Note (CCA)] | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2021 | v21 | i5 | March | p10 |
The Popular Devotion to a Saint - Lieutenant-Colonel St Anthony [from 'The Theosophist' December 1879 pp 62-63] [with A 2021 Editorial Note] | Helena P. Blavatsky; [Editorial Note: CCA] | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p1 |
The Theosophical Meaning of Easter Eggs [includes two quotations from pages 366 and 367-368 of volume I of 'The Secret Doctrine'] | anon; Helena P Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p3 |
The Secret Doctrine in French Language | anon | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p5 |
Helena Blavatsky, On Cruelty to Animals [from 'Collected Writings' Volume XII pp 238-239] | HP Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p7 |
A (Tragic) Failure and its Lesson | anon | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p8 |
Correspondence With Joy Mills - 03 - Evaluating Mistakes and Strong Points in the Theosophical Literature [Five: Careful Description of Physical Life on Mars; Six: Personal 'Information' About the Mahatmas; Seven: The Independence of the Learner; Eight: Jesus Was Apollonius of Tyana?] | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p9 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Going Slow One Goes Far Provided That One Knows Where One Wants to Go | anon | y2021 | v21 | i6 | April | p14 |
The Blessing of Self-Discipline - As We Leave Superficial Factors Aside We Strengthen Our Inner Will | anon | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p1 |
The Wisdom From Neptune | anon | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p4 |
From "The Secret Doctrine": A Puranic Prophecy [from "The Secret Doctrine" vI pp377-378] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p6 |
The Bright Side of Saturn: What Blavatsky Says of 21st Century | CCA | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p8 |
Correspondence With Joy Mills - 04 (Concluded) - Evaluating Mistakes and Strong Points in the Theosophical Literature [Nine: Jesuits in Masonry?; Ten: The Role of Organized Religions] | Carlos Cardoso Aveline | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p10 |
Thoughts Along the Road: An Unpleasant Desert May Help the Pilgrim Transcend the Narrow World of Small Things | anon | y2021 | v21 | i7 | May | p16 |