The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

A Prophecy on the Roman Churchanony2021v21i7Mayp17
Popular Illusions of a Modern Age: Are There Conditions Under Which Karma Does Not Exist?anony2021v21i8Junep1
Our Heroes - The Life-Example of a Christian Buddha in a 19th Century Text [from 'Lucifer' November 1889 p179]anon [various]y2021v21i8Junep4
W Q Judge, A Besant and Imaginary Contacts With Masters - A First-Hand Testimony From a Direct Disciple of H P Blavatsky [from 'H P Blavatsky Her Life and Work for Humanity']Alice Leighton Cleathery2021v21i8Junep5
Thoughts Along the Road: Since Time Immemorial the Forests Have Been Sanctuaries and Chapels in Almost Every Nationanony2021v21i8Junep10
The Relation of Colour to the Interlaced Triangles or the Pentacle [a paper read before the Chicago Branch of the Theosophical Society by its Secretary M L Brainard. First published in 'Lucifer' February 1888 pp481-485]M L Brainardy2021v21i8Junep12
Does the 'Gita' Say All that Mankind Needs? Blavatsky Corrects Judge [HPB from "The Theosophist" February 1884 p122]William Q Judge; HP Blavatskyy2021v21i9Julyp1
Studies in the Pre-History of the ILT From the 1890s to the Decade of 2020 [Article is translation from the Portuguese language text "Estudos Sobre a Pre-Historia da LIT" published in "O Teosofista" July 2021 pp07-13]CCAy2021v21i9Julyp4
Robert Crosbie: There Is No Escaping from the Law [from "Mercy and the Law of Karma"]Robert Crosbiey2021v21i9Julyp11
New Progress in Science: The Cure for Envy Was Discoveredanony2021v21i9Julyp12
The Inner Teachings of Taoism: Investigate Principle and Meaning - A Few Classical Verses to Ponder Upon (vf) [from "The Inner Teachings of Taoism" by Chang Po-Tuan, Commentary by Liu I-ming, Translated into English by Thomas Cleary pp36-37]Chang Po-Tuany2021v21i9Julyp13
Thoughts Along the Road: Purity of Mind and Heart Brings About Humbleness Detachment Perseveranceanony2021v21i9Julyp15
Letters to the Editors - Regarding a Text on KarmaFabrizio Giulianiy2021v21i9Julyp16
Letters to the Editors - On an Article by Alice L CleatherErnest Pelletiery2021v21i9Julyp17
The Metaphysics of E-Theosophyanony2021v21i9Julyp18
On Listening to the Trees - Whoever Knows How to Speak to Trees Can Learn the Truth [from 'Wandering' translated by James Wright]Hermann Hessey2021v21i10Augustp1
A Master of the Wisdom on Climate and Climate Change [with A 2021 Editorial Note] [See Question 8 on Letter XXIII-A 'The Mahatma Letters' p146. Answer is at the Letter XXIII-B, pp160-162]Q: A.P.S. A: A Master of the Wisdom [2021 Editorial Note: CCA]y2021v21i10Augustp3
When Two or More People Harmonize Their Minds - The Occult Power of Sincere Cooperation [with Editorial Note] [from "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill see pp34-35 (longer paragraphs divided into smaller ones)]Napoleon Hill [Editorial Note: CCA]y2021v21i10Augustp7
Blavatsky is a Bestseller in Adyar - However Studying Blavatsky Is More Than Just Repeating What She Wroteanony2021v21i10Augustp9
Thoughts Along the Road: Each Instant Contains Eternity. The Whole Cosmos Is Present in Every Atomanony2021v21i10Augustp12
Alice Leighton Cleather - The Record of Her Life as Published in the Collected Writings of Blavatsky [with Editorial Note][from volume XIV of the Collected Writings of HP Blavatsky pp518-521]Editors of the Writings of HPB [Editorial note by CCA]y2021v21i10Augustp14
The Philosophy of Love for Lifeanony2021v21i10Augustp18
Two Prayers From the Zen Tradition: One Confession and Four Vows [from 'Manual of Zen Buddhism']D T Suzukiy2021v21i11Septemberp1
The Dark Matter in One's Personal Cosmos - Perceiving the Invisible Dimensions in the Microcosm and the Macrocosmanony2021v21i11Septemberp2
Caring For the Tree of Divine Knowledge [text initially shared during a Portuguese language study of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists in August 2021]Joana Maria Pinhoy2021v21i11Septemberp5
Effects of Overindulgence in Sensuality - An Absence of Moderation Makes It Impossible to Have Inner Peace [from 'The American Sex Revolution']Pitirim A Sorokiny2021v21i11Septemberp7
Has Sex Immorality Taken Hold of Our Civilization? - A Commentary From 'The Theosophical Movement' Magazine, India [from 'The Theosophical Movement' December 2004 pp64-65]anony2021v21i11Septemberp9
The Rock and the Windanony2021v21i11Septemberp12
Making Mind and Body Immaterially Spiritual [from 'Teachings of Zen' edited by Thomas Cleary 1998]Sung-yuany2021v21i11Septemberp13
Thoughts Along the Road: What Kind of Sacrifice Allows the Universal Consciousness To Be Reborn At Every Moment? [including quotation from from 'Teachings of Zen' edited by Thomas Cleary 1998]Yen-t'ou; anony2021v21i11Septemberp14
The Mystery of Alessandro Cagliostro - 01 - The Mystic of the 18th Century Who Anticipated Helena Blavatsky's Mission [translation of text of article "O Misterio de Alessandro Cagliostro"]CCA [Carlos Cardoso Aveline]y2021v21i11Septemberp18
Frog the Egyptian Goddess of the Waters and of Resurrection [from "The Secret Doctrine" volume I pp385-386 (re-paragraphed)]Helena P Blavatskyy2021v21i12Octoberp1
Regarding the Search for Wisdom: Franz Hartmann's Falsity or, Why a Profound Honesty Is the First StepCCAy2021v21i12Octoberp5
HP Blavatsky and Franz Hartmann Commentary to a Letter of HPB to WQ JudgeCarlos Cardoso Aveliney2021v21i12Octoberp8
The Mystery of Alessandro Cagliostro - 01 (Concluded) - The Mystic of the 18th Century Who Anticipated Helena Blavatsky's MissionCCA [Carlos Cardoso Aveline]y2021v21i12Octoberp13
Galileo Galilei and Helena Blavatskyanony2021v21i12Octoberp19
Thoughts Along the Road: The Magnetic Power to Build Oneselfanony2021v21i12Octoberp20
Unveiling the Path to Bliss: A Knowledge of Plenitude [thoughts selected by Hector Durville and published in 'Magnetisme Personnel' 1918 see pp382-384]Hector Durvilley2021v22i1Novemberp1
Nicolas Berdyaev: Philosophy is the Art of Knowing [from "The Meaning of the Creative Act" 1955 see p29]Nicolas Berdyaevy2021v22i1Novemberp2
The Spiritual Path and the Turtleanony2021v22i1Novemberp3
Jesus Talks About Things to Come - Past Present and Future Are Only External Aspects of the One Eternal Timeanony2021v22i1Novemberp4
The Soul of the Pilgrim Works Like a Hydroelectric Power Plantanony2021v22i1Novemberp5
Thoughts Along the Road: Gaining Time and Saving a Remarkable Amount of Life Forceanon; Hector Durvilley2021v22i1Novemberp6
Concerning the Moral Sense - 02 - Or the Faculty of Perceiving Moral Excellence And Its Supreme Objects [from "A System of Moral Philosophy" vol I Chapter IV pp56-61, spelling updated]Francis Hutchesony2021v22i1Novemberp8
Divine Wisdom is Older Than the Earthanony2021v22i1Novemberp11
William B Pease: The Theosophist Who Believed in Helena Blavatskyanony2021v22i1Novemberp13
Storks the Phoenix and Rebirth - Theosophical Teachings in an Ancient Legendanony2021v22i1Novemberp16
Poem: The Harvest A Work a Love and a Dream [from "Collected Poems" 1953 see p121 original title: "Harvest"] (vf)C Jinarajadasay2021v22i1Novemberp16
Showing 3351 to 3398 of 3398 entries