review - Songs of a Sudra by Vikmal Dass | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v33 | - | June | p373 |
review - The Sadhu: A Study in Mysticism & Practical Religion by GH Streeter | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v33 | - | June | p374 |
Notes of the Month - Islamic Mysticism - RA Nicholson | The Editor | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p1 |
Santa Maria Maggiore (vf) | Eva Gore-Booth | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p8 |
St Francis of Assisi - The "Troubadour of God" | Edith K Harper | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p9 |
illustration - Saint Francis of Assisi | Margaritone | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p13 |
Art & Occultism | Baron Arild Rosenkrantz | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p21 |
On Thinking Differently | Eustace Miles | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p25 |
The Grouping | Bart Kennedy | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p32 |
Illumination of Éliphas Lévi | Arthur Edward Waite | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p35 |
Zephyr - The Genius of Art (vf) | Meredith Starr | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p41 |
The Psychic Centres & their possible influence on certain obscure conditions | NFF King | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p43 |
Miners' Superstitions | GM Hort | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p48 |
Ltte - A Strange Vision | Marcus Hilde | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p50 |
Ltte - Psychometry | FG Montagu Powell | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p51 |
Ltte - First Part of JT Foreland's Dream: A Suggested Interpretation | Lewis Phillips Apl Asho Leo | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p51 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p53 |
review - Cornelius Agrippa by Lewis Spence | GMH | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p57 |
review - The Land of the Living Dead by Prentiss Tucker | Edith K Harper | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p58 |
review - The Psychology of Day-Dreams by J Varendnock | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p58 |
review - The Way of the Winepress by John Payne | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p59 |
review - "Let there be Light!" - A Play by Lilias M'Crie | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p59 |
review - The Life Beyond the Veil by G Vale Owen | Edith K Harper | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p60 |
review - Spiritualism: True & False by AG Garlick | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p61 |
review - Investigations in Occultism by Rudolf Steiner | Meredith Starr | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p61 |
review - Sonnets by Nawab Nizamat Jung Bahadur | Meredith Starr | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p62 |
review - Spiritualism among Civilised & Savage Races by Edward Laurence | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p62 |
review - The Rise & Consummation of the Aeon by Holdon Edward Sampson | Edith K Harper | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p63 |
review - The Inner Teaching & Yoga by Charles Wase | Meredith Starr | y1921 | v34 | - | July | p64 |
Notes of the Month - (a) Alfred Percy Sinnett | The Editor | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p65 |
obituary - AP Sinnett | The Editor | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p65 |
Notes of the Month - (b) The Legal Position of the Predictive Art | The Editor | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p65 |
illustration - AP Sinnett & his Dog | anon | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p67 |
Jeanne d'Arc | F Fielding-Ould | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p74 |
Ghosts (vf) | DS Goodwin | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p79 |
Alchemy & Modern Science | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p80 |
The Lost Inheritance (vf) | Frank Lind | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p84 |
Occultism - True & False (3) The Natural Psychic & the Black Magician | John Spencer | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p85 |
Death in the Light of Science & Psychical Research | HA Dallas | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p89 |
Concerning Animals, Birds & Insects | MMM | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p96 |
My First Astral Adventure | Claude M Girardeau | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p100 |
Detection of Murder Through a Dream | CM | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p103 |
Some Dangerous Apparitions | Philip Macleod | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p105 |
The House of Sin (vf) | RB Ince | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p113 |
The Story of the Ruby | ER Constable | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p114 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p116 |
review - Eucharist & Sacrifice by FC Burkitt | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p121 |
review - Una Parola d'oltre Tomba Sull Educazione della Gioventu by anon | GMH | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p121 |
review - Where the Churches fail by John Dare | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p121 |
review - The Rhythm of Life by Henri Borel | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | August | p122 |