The Present Trend of Religious Thought (A Plea for free Scientific Investigation) | John Butler Burke | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p355 |
Medical Magnetism | Georges de Dubor | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p360 |
Ltte - A Dream within a Dream | Reginald B Span | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - The Riddle of Manifestation | Arthur M Turner | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - Can a Dog,s Soul Return? | Alice Elizabeth Dracott | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p368 |
Ltte - Shakespeare & the Occult | Searcher | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p369 |
Ltte - Was St Paul a Bachelor? | HL Hubbard | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p370 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p371 |
review - The Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila by JM Lawl | HJS | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p375 |
review - The Future of the Novel by Meredith Starr | HJS | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p375 |
review - Relativity & Gravitation by J Malcolm Bird | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p376 |
review - The Bright Messenger by Algernon Blackwood | WH Chesson | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p377 |
review - A Courageous Marriage by Marguerite Bryant | WH Chesson | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p377 |
review - Alchemy: Its Science & Romance by JE Mercer | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p378 |
review - Other People's Babies by Rathmell Wilson | WH Chesson | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p378 |
review - The Secret of Asia by TL Vaswami | H Stanley Redgrove | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p379 |
review - The Devil's Christmas Box by HC Mason | Meredith Starr | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p380 |
review - A Message of Cheer by Damia | Edith K Harper | y1921 | v34 | - | December | p380 |
Notes of the Month - (a) A Romance of Reincarnation | The Editor | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p1 |
Notes of the Month - (b) The Better Side of Psycho-Analysis | The Editor | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p1 |
Cosmos out of Chaos | W Gornold | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p11 |
illustration - John Kepler (the 17thC astronomer) | anon | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p13 |
Egypt the Timeless (vf) | Teresa Hooley | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p22 |
"Horns of Elfland" | Essex Smith | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p23 |
The Psychic Experiences of Mrs (Florence L) Barclay | Mrs Ellis Chadwick | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p30 |
The First Matter | S Foster Damon | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p38 |
A Supernormal Adventure | H Stanley Redgrove | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p45 |
Ltte - A Telepathic Vision | TV Scudamore | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p47 |
Ltte - Theosophy versus Spiritualism | GM Mayhew | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p47 |
Ltte - Can a Dog's Soul Return? | Constance Farmer | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p48 |
Ltte - Marriage & Reincarnation | HWS | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p49 |
Ltte - Spiritual Science | Meredith Starr | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p51 |
Ltte - Paralysis on Awaking | Marjorie I. Fellowes | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p52 |
Ltte - A Superstition | Violet Francis | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p52 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p53 |
review - The Hidden Self & its Mental Processes by H Ernest Hunt | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p57 |
review - Prentice Mulford by Eva Martin | HL Hubbard | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p57 |
review - Thought-Coin by Bart Kennedy | HL Hubbard | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p58 |
review - The Symbolism of Colour by Ellen Conroy | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p58 |
review - Wheat & Tares by Annie M March | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p59 |
review - The Human Touch: with Fantasy & Poems by LA Compton Rickett | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p59 |
review - The Weaver by Ethel M Ward | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p60 |
review - The Magic Power by Tillie McLean | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p60 |
review - Le Comte de Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secrètes ed by Rene-Louis Doyen | Arthur Edward Waite | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p61 |
review - L'Eternuement dans la Magie by P Saintyves | Arthur Edward Waite | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p61 |
review - Songs of the Open by Teresa Hooley | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1922 | v35 | - | January | p62 |
Notes of the Month - Psychic Science & the Ancient Wisdom - James Douglas | The Editor | y1922 | v35 | - | February | p63 |
Concerning Obsessions | JW Brodie-Innes | y1922 | v35 | - | February | p73 |
LVW - An Invocation (vf) | Meredith Starr | y1922 | v35 | - | February | p85 |
Fairies of the East | Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah | y1922 | v35 | - | February | p86 |