review - Photographing the Invisible by James Coates | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v35 | - | May | p310 |
Notes of the Month - Dr John Dee - GM Hert | The Editor | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p311 |
illustration - John Dee | anon | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p313 |
The Lore of the Phantom Coach | GM Mayhew | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p326 |
The Influence of Atlantis on Egypt & Mexico | Lewis Spence | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p336 |
Pasteur & the Problem of Life | H Stanley Redgrove | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p342 |
Isis-Mary | Leopold AD Montague | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p347 |
Subliminal (vf) | Ethel Archer | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p350 |
From Subconscious to Conscious - can Automatic Messages be explained? | LE Parker | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p352 |
Ltte - A Strange Experience | Nathan Bell | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p362 |
Ltte - Psychometry | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p362 |
Ltte - The Angelic Ministry | Marion E Butler | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p363 |
Ltte - Higher Octaves of the Planets | FL Morgan | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p363 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p365 |
review - The Meanings of Masonry by WL Wilmshurst | PSW | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p369 |
review - Woman & Freemasonry by Dudley Wright | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p369 |
review - The Quest of the Spirit ed by Genevieve Stebbins | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p370 |
review - The Healing Power by Helen Boulnois | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p370 |
review - Finding a Soul - A Spiritual Autobiography by EE Everest | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p371 |
review - Parsifal - A Study of Wagner's Music Drama by WL Wilmshurst | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p372 |
review - My Philosophy & My Religion by Ralph Waldo Emerson | HL Hubbard | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p372 |
review - The Planet Mars & its Inhabitants: A Psychic Revelation by Iros Urides | GMH | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p372 |
review - Astro-Psychology by Laurel Miller | EMM | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p373 |
review - The Classic of Spiritism by Lucy McDowell Milburn | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p373 |
review - Singing for Health by Thomas Raymond | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1922 | v35 | - | June | p374 |
Notes of the Month - Philo Judaeus & his Relation to Christianity | The Editor | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p1 |
John Varley - Artist & Astrologer | H Stanley Redgrove | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p12 |
illustration - Visionary Head of "Edward III who now exists in the other world" | William Blake | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p17 |
illustration - "The Ghost of a Flea" | William Blake | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p19 |
illustration - Visionary Head of "The Man who built the Pyramids" | William Blake | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p21 |
Percy Bysshe Shelley - July 1822 - July 1922 - The Mysticism of Shelley | L Grant | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p24 |
The Devas - Some less frequent psychic experiences | Irene Hay | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p28 |
A Note on Automatic Writing | H Ernest Hunt | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p35 |
The Skeleton | Katherine Godefroi | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p39 |
Absolution (vf) | Teresa Hooley | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p42 |
Royal Healers | William Gillespie | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p43 |
Reflections on Reincarnation | J Scott Battams | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p47 |
Quietude (vf) | Frederich Nicholls | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p50 |
Haunted Houses & Exorcism | Constance Frost | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p51 |
Ltte - Paralysis on Awakening | William R Moore | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p54 |
Ltte - (not actuated by fear - my attitude was amusement) | Incognito | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p55 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p57 |
review - Realms of the Living Dead by Harriette Augusta Curtiss | Edith K Harper | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p61 |
review - Raymond Lully: Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist & Christian Mystic by Arthur Edward Waite | H Stanley Redgrove | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p62 |
review - Lucifer, of the True Story of the Famous Diabolic Possession in Alsace by Paul Sutter | WH Chesson | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p62 |
review - Essays & Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion by F von Hügel | Arthur Edward Waite | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p63 |
review - Rosicrucian Fundamentals by Khei | Arthur Edward Waite | y1922 | v36 | - | July | p64 |
Notes of the Month - The Misuse of Language in Relation to Psychical Research | The Editor | y1922 | v36 | - | August | p65 |
review - Death & its mystery: at the moment of Death by Camille Flammarion | The Editor | y1922 | v36 | - | August | p71 |
The Symbols of Alchemy | S Foster Damon | y1922 | v36 | - | August | p77 |