The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Living the Inner Spirit of Christmasanony2015v16i1Novemberp1
Slow is Beautifulanony2015v16i1Novemberp2
Building the Life We Wantanony2015v16i1Novemberp2
The Secret to True Cooperationanony2015v16i1Novemberp3
The Enlightening Fire: A Contemplative Videoanony2015v16i1Novemberp3
The Limits of Responsibility [from 'Theosophy' August 1932 pp437-438]John Garrigues [see following note to article concerning attribution]y2015v16i1Novemberp4
Happiness in Spirit [extract: "The Spirit of Contentment"]Steven H Levyy2015v16i1Novemberp5
The Grand Rule of Learning - Perseverance and a Long-Term Plan of Actionanony2015v16i1Novemberp6
Maeterlinck Quotes Carlyle: The Power of Silence [extract: 'The Treasure of the Humble']Maurice Maeterlincky2015v16i1Novemberp7
HPB and the Cyclic Law [extract: "The New Paradigm"]Jerome Wheelery2015v16i1Novemberp7
Observing the Topography of Lifeanony2015v16i1Novemberp8
William Penn: Of the Government of Thoughts [extract: "The Wisdom of William Penn"]anony2015v16i1Novemberp8
The First Year of the ULT - A Historical Assessment Written by The Main Founder of the United Lodge [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']Robert Crosbie [and Editorial Note]y2015v16i1Novemberp9
Thoughts Along the Road - Notes on the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2015v16i1Novemberp12
The Power of Sincerity [extract: "All Life is Good"]CC Aveliney2015v16i1Novemberp14
Spinoza and Western Philosophers - An Unfinished Manuscript on the Theosophy of Western Philosophers [from 'The Theosophist' April 1962 pp8-13 and 'Collected Writings of HPB' edited by Boris de Zirkoff vXIII pp307-312]Helena P Blavatskyy2015v16i1Novemberp15
The fundamental truths [from "Humanity Is In The Making"]S Radhakrishnany2015v16i1Novemberp18
From a Student’s Notebook [from: 'Theosophy' August 1932 p438] [see following note to text concerning attribution][transcription of note written by John Garrigues]y2015v16i1Novemberp19
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2015v16i1Novemberp19
A Geography of Planetary Consciousness - The Centrality of Jerusalemanony2015v16i2Decemberp1
There are two interesting carefully prepared guides to the importance and reality of the Mount Moriah ['Jerusalem: The Temple Mount' by Leen and Kathleen Ritmeyer; 'Arise and Ascend: A Guide to the Temple Mount' published by The Meeting Place Association and Temple Mount Heritage Foundation]anony2015v16i2Decemberp2
Fragment From the Secret Doctrine: The Mystery of Eternity [commentary to Sloka 2 of Stanza I volume one 'The Secret Doctrine' p37]Helena Blavatsky,y2015v16i2Decemberp3
Contentment in Studyanony2015v16i2Decemberp4
Various Levels of Reading - Perceiving the Inner Silence Above Thoughtanony2015v16i2Decemberp4
Of Monotheism and Violence - There Has Never Been a Religion With Such a Bloody Record as Christianity [extracts: 'Isis Unveiled']Helena Blavatskyy2015v16i2Decemberp5
An Opportunity to Awakenanony2015v16i2Decemberp6
Truth and the Law of Love - Three Fragments From Alexei Khomiakov [extracts: Alexei Khomiakov quoted by Nicolas Berdyaev in 'On Spiritual Unity: a Slavophile Reader' compiled translated and edited by Boris Jakim and Robert Bird pp338-339]Alexei Khomiakovy2015v16i2Decemberp7
The Use of Knowledgeanony2015v16i2Decemberp8
The Power of Music: Ave Maria with Helene Fischer [weblink]anony2015v16i2Decemberp8
The Gradual Process of Victory - Mutual Help Self-Forgetfulness and Blissanony2015v16i2Decemberp9
Insignificance as a Blessinganony2015v16i2Decemberp9
Saturn the Master of Karma - A Time for Learning Self-Discipline and For Developing a Practical Approach to Lifeanony2015v16i2Decemberp10
Before a Bright Dawninganony2015v16i2Decemberp11
Human Transmutation Towards 2023anony2015v16i2Decemberp11
The Cornerstones of Timeanony2015v16i2Decemberp12
A Spiritual and Psychic Renewal [extract: "New Year’s Resolutions"]Robert Crosbiey2015v16i2Decemberp12
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2015v16i2Decemberp13
What is Theosophy? [extract: "On What Is Theosophy"]"A Paramahansa of the Himalayas"y2015v16i2Decemberp14
Taking Possession of Our Own Nature - How the Modern World Repeats the Path of Ancient Suffering [extracts: 'On the Essence of Legal Consciousness' by Ivan A Il'in, Edited Introduced and Translated by William E Butler, Philip T Grier and Vladimir A Tomsinov - notes of the editors are not included in this transcription, see pp115-117]Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'iny2015v16i2Decemberp15
Closing 2015 Inaugurating 2016 - Change of Cycle Brings a New Horizon to Allanony2015v16i2Decemberp17
A Video on Christmas [weblink]anony2015v16i2Decemberp18
A Broadening Mindanony2015v16i2Decemberp18
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2015v16i2Decemberp19
If There Is a Problem With Our Civilization - Notes on the Need to Awakenanony2016v16i3Januaryp1
Developing the Right Intention [extracts: "Life and Writings of John Garrigues"]anony2016v16i3Januaryp2
Fragments of Wisdom - The Universe Mankind and the MahatmasHelena P Blavatsky and 'Notes By The Editor Of "The Aquarian"'y2016v16i3Januaryp3
Robert Crosbie and The Duty of Correcting Falsities [extracts: "Freedom From Pseudo-Theosophy"]Robert Crosbiey2016v16i3Januaryp5
Ivan A Il'in - 1 - Lessons from History [extracts: 'On the Essence of Legal Consciousness' see p117]Ivan A Il'in; Note by Editor 'The Aquarian'y2016v16i3Januaryp5
Ivan A Il'in - 2 - The Comical Side of Ignorance [extract: 'On the Essence of Legal Consciousness' see p119]Ivan A Il'iny2016v16i3Januaryp6
Of Stars and Human Beings [from "The Meaning of the Christmas Star"]anony2016v16i3Januaryp6
Showing 2551 to 2600 of 3398 entries