The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Editorial Policies According to Helena Blavatsky [extract: "A Reply to Our Critics" in 'A Modern Panarion']Helena P Blavatskyy2016v16i8Junep7
Literature Art TV and Thought - Soul Change is the Source of Social Changeanony2016v16i8Junep8
Seven Levels of Beautyanony2016v16i8Junep10
A Sleeping Giant in South America - Slowly the 'Country of the Future' Awakensanony2016v16i8Junep11
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i8Junep12
Theosophy One Hundred Years Ago: How Science Relates to Life [extract: "On the Lookout", 'Theosophy' June 1916 pp381-382]John Garrigues (anonymously); editorial note by CCAy2016v16i8Junep14
The 1889 Book 'Esoteric Studies' Note on a Volume By The Viscount de Figaniere [reprint of review: "Esoteric Studies: Under In And Above the World" 'Lucifer' May 1889 pp262-263.]anon [?HPB]; editorial note by CCAy2016v16i8Junep16
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2016v16i8Junep18
The Secret of Unspeakable Peaceanony2016v16i8Junep18
Transfiguration and the Birth of Wisdomanony2016v16i8Junep19
Planetary Responsibility - As Knowledge Grows Challenges Expandanony2016v16i9Julyp1
The Ideal of a World Federationanony2016v16i9Julyp3
Donald Trump Wants a Respectful Relation Between the USA and Russiaanony2016v16i9Julyp5
Preserving Access to Universal Wisdomanony2016v16i9Julyp6
Brotherhood Among Nations - Sowing the Seeds of World Peaceanony2016v16i9Julyp7
Man Created from Stone - In Deucalion and the Andesanony2016v16i9Julyp8
The Door that Is Never Closedanony2016v16i9Julyp9
Disguising the Absence of Rational Arguments: Personal Attack as a Political Deviceanony2016v16i9Julyp10
Ecology Moderation and Peaceanony2016v16i9Julyp11
I Saw Eternity the Other Night (vf) [extract "The World"]Henry Vaughany2016v16i9Julyp12
Augusto dos Anjos: A Philosopher’s Agony (vf)Augusto dos Anjos [translated into English by Odile Cisneros]y2016v16i9Julyp13
The Secret Side of Daily Life: Interrupting the Culture of Interruptionanony2016v16i9Julyp14
The Character of a Happy Life (vf)Sir Henry Wottony2016v16i9Julyp15
The Courage to Be Independent - Common Sense in Erasing the Sources of Fearanony2016v16i9Julyp16
The Silent, Selfless Action [from: "Ethics from Sinai" by Irving M Bunim volume I p103]anony2016v16i9Julyp17
The Law of Conservation of Energyanony2016v16i9Julyp17
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i9Julyp18
The Secret of the ULTanony2016v16i9Julyp20
New Texts in the Associated Websitesanony2016v16i9Julyp20
Immanuel Kant: 'Let Justice Reign' [from 'Perpetual Peace' 'Perpetual Peace and Other Essays' 1983 see p133]Immanuel Kanty2016v16i9Julyp21
A Living Theosophy at Yahooanony2016v16i9Julyp21
Observing a Network of Lies - A Lively Example of the Severity of Great Teachers [from "What Is Truth?" 'The Collected Writings' TPH Volume IX pp36-37]Helena P Blavatskyy2016v16i10Augustp1
Original Theosophy And the Life of Forests [including quotation from 'The Theosophist' November 1879 p42]anony2016v16i10Augustp3
Cranston on HPB's Retreat Among Trees [from 'HPB the Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement' 1993 p104]Sylvia Cranstony2016v16i10Augustp3
The Aura of Trees - A Classical Text from 19th Century India [from: 'The Theosophist' September 1885 p307]V Coopoo Swamyy2016v16i10Augustp4
The Prayer of the Woods - A Message From the Trees to Humans [traditional Portugese prayer version written down 1914 by Mr Veiga Simoes (translator unknown)]anon, Veiga Simoes, anony2016v16i10Augustp5
Two Fragments from Helena Blavatsky: On The Tree of the World [from "Isis Unveiled" vol I pp 151-152; volume I pp 153-154]Helena P Blavatskyy2016v16i10Augustp6
The Duty of the Pilgrimanony2016v16i10Augustp8
Teachers of Altruism Can Be Found Anywhere Any Timeanony2016v16i10Augustp8
The Cosmic Nature of Timeless Changeanony2016v16i10Augustp9
The Spark and the Fire - Living Words Enlighten the Soulanony2016v16i10Augustp10
Defeating Nuclear Proliferationanony2016v16i10Augustp11
Inhabiting a Succession of Eternities - The Elders and the Young Onesanony2016v16i10Augustp12
Staying Away from The Tides of Ignoranceanony2016v16i10Augustp13
Ideologies and The Theosophical Knowledgeanony2016v16i10Augustp14
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i10Augustp15
Lessons from the Void and Nothingnessanony2016v16i10Augustp17
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2016v16i10Augustp18
Independent Studies: A Research Project Unfoldsanony2016v16i11Septemberp1
Effective Study in Philosophy: The Nature of an Independent Lodgeanony2016v16i11Septemberp3
Showing 2701 to 2750 of 3398 entries