No Boundaries for Universal Thoughts [from "Why HPB Was Not a Madame"] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i5 | March | p16 |
A List of ULT Lodges As Published in the Bulletin of the Los Angeles Lodge | anon | y2016 | v16 | i5 | March | p17 |
The New Texts in Our Websites | anon | y2016 | v16 | i5 | March | p18 |
The Habitude of Happiness: On the Way to Learn the Secret of the Sages [from "Theosophy" March 1922 pp156-157 originally no author shown] | John Garrigues | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p1 |
Lessons That Absurdities Teach | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p3 |
On Knocking at the Door | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p4 |
Of Sound Silence and Meaning | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p5 |
Material Temples Are Profane [including quote from 'The Essence of Legal Consciousness' by Ivan A Il'in see p325] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p5 |
The Sage and the Probationer: Two Faces of the Search for Wisdom | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p6 |
The Cure for Anti-Semitism [from "Challenge and Optimism in Israel"] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p7 |
The Leverage to Change Reality | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p8 |
The States of the Consciousness | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p9 |
"The relatively recent creation ..." [from "A 3000 Years Esoteric School"] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p9 |
The Causes of a Collapse | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p10 |
A few theosophists may experience ... [from "Visualizing the Future of Mankind"] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p10 |
Carpe Diem Seize the Day | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p11 |
The Atmosphere of Inner Noiselessness: Or Reducing the Distance Between Ideal and Practice | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p12 |
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Life | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p13 |
The Universality of Kahlil Gibran [from "Kahlil Gibran on the Middle East"] | CC Aveline | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p15 |
When a Helping Hand Is Welcome: A Free Daily Access to Theosophy at Yahoo | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p16 |
The New Texts in Our Websites | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p17 |
One Sentence From Shakespeare | anon | y2016 | v16 | i6 | April | p17 |
The Art of Listening - A Creative Balance Between Sound and Silence | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p1 |
The Unworded Reality of Bliss | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p2 |
The Voice of the Ocean | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p3 |
The Upanishads on Action [from Chandogya Upanishad, VII, 21, 1: 'The Principal Upanisads' edited by S Radhakrishnan] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p3 |
Gayatri the Mantra - Or Expanding One's Identity With the Cosmos [from article "The Return of the Sun" 'The Aquarian Theosophist' December 2013 pp.20-21] | John Garrigues | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p4 |
Helena P Blavatsky: The Correct Use of Imagination [from 'Collected Writings' volume XII p403] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p5 |
Managing the Use of Sincerity | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p6 |
The Enlightening Power of Jupiter | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p7 |
A Challenge in Esoteric Philosophy: The Daily Formation of Character | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p8 |
An Invisible and Decisive Correlation: Human Ethics and Earthquakes ['The Theosophist' September 1885 p285] | KDM [?Damodar K Mavalankar (see editorial note by Carlos Cardoso Aveline)] | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p9 |
Brazil Healing Itself From The Disease of Corruption | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p11 |
The Key to Contentment - Wisdom and Respect for Others | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p12 |
In the Fifth Month of the Year: A Blessing From the Pleiades | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p13 |
Reducing the Waste of Time | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p13 |
Bitterness and Good Will | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p14 |
Brazil India and The Future of Civilization [extract: "Brazil India and the Future of Civilization - The Practice of Mutual Aid on a Planetary Scale"] | Mauricio Andres Ribeiro | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p15 |
The Karmic Flow in the Wheel of Life | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p16 |
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Life | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p16 |
The Theosophy of the Upanishads - When the Soul is the Arrow the Goal is the Universe [from Mundaka Upanishad, II, 3-4: 'The Principal Upanisads' edited by S Radhakrishnan] | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p18 |
The New Texts in Our Websites | anon | y2016 | v16 | i7 | May | p19 |
On the Solidity of Foundations | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p1 |
The Door to Knowledge | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p2 |
The Spirit of Research | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p3 |
Learning to Learn From Every Circumstance | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p4 |
The Universe as a Mirror - A Cosmic Dimension in Self-Knowledge | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p5 |
The Process of Self-Identification | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p6 |
Human Happiness and Law | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p6 |
On Deserving Help | anon | y2016 | v16 | i8 | June | p7 |