review - The Proofs of the Truths of Spiritualism by G Henslow | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p69 |
The White Bird of Memory (vf) | AD | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p70 |
Mesmer & the Magnetic Hypothesis | RB Ince | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p71 |
The Heart - In Mysticism & Magic | Bernard Fielding | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p78 |
Occult Significance of Precious Stones | Reginald B Span | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p83 |
Transcendental Alchemy (The Works of Thomas Vaughan) | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p90 |
Unseen Helpers | Donald Percival | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p94 |
The Mythology of Ancient Chaldea | Henry J Nash | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p97 |
The Life Everlasting (vf) | Teresa Hooley | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p102 |
The Continuity of Life | Lilian Whiting | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p103 |
Ltte - Phenomena of Materializations | J Scott Battams | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p108 |
Ltte - Mysterious Knocking | AW | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p108 |
Ltte - An Uncanny Gift | ME | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p109 |
Ltte - The Creation Legend | Walter Winans | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p111 |
Ltte - A Psychic Dog | Nita O'Sullivan-Beare | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p112 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p113 |
review - Spiritualism & the Great War by J Wedgwood | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p117 |
review - Law: Leading Articles - from "New India" by Annie Besant | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p117 |
review - Experiments in Psychical Science by WJ Crawford | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p117 |
review - An Amazing Séance & an Exposure by Sydney A. Moseley | GMH | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p118 |
review - The Mystery Keepers by Marion Fox | WH Chesson | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p119 |
review - James Hinton: A Sketch by Mrs Havelock Ellis | J Arthur Hill | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p119 |
review - Green Ways by Dorothy Grenside | Meredith Starr | y1919 | v30 | - | August | p120 |
Notes of the Month - (2) Astral Repercussion | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p121 |
Notes of the Month - (1) Ella Wheeler Wilcox & her Psychic Experiences | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p121 |
The Familiar: Its Nature & Origin | Lewis Spence | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p130 |
The Master Tiller (vf) | WP Ryan | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p137 |
A Haunted Church in Munich | JW Brodie-Innes | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p138 |
Andrew Carnegie's Palm | CW Child | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p148 |
illustration - Andrew Carnegie's Hand | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p149 |
Life (vf) | AE Lloyd Maunsell | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p150 |
Mystical Realisation | Arthur Edward Waite | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p151 |
The Charms, Spells, & Divinations of Afghanistan | Ikbal Ali Shah | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p156 |
illustration - (3 mystical diagrams - or "charms") | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p158 |
illustration - No 1 - capsule in which was enclosed the charm as shown in photograph No 2 | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p159 |
illustration - No 2 charm enclosed in the capsule of silk cloth ... - it protects against bullet wounds | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p160 |
illustration - the charm (with English translation) | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p161 |
illustration - charm (with English translation) | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p162 |
Ltte - Magnetic Eyes | P Fraser | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p167 |
Ltte - A Perfect Deity & An Imperfect Creation | Violet G Inglis | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p167 |
Ltte - Mrs Eddy & Dr Quimby | Mrs B O'Connor | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p168 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p174 |
review - The Secret of Egyptian Chronology by HB Hannary | Arthur Edward Waite | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p178 |
review - Prayer as a Science by W Wybergh | Meredith Starr | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p178 |
review - A Romance of Two Centuries by Kenneth Sylvan Gutherie | Arthur Edward Waite | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p179 |
review - La Vie des Ames by Madame Adam | WH Chesson | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p180 |
review - Miss Fingal by Mrs WK Clifford | WH Chesson | y1919 | v30 | - | September | p180 |
Notes of the Month - The Eternal Question (Mr Clarke's Psychic Experiences) | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p181 |
Exploring the Mind - A Note on Psychoanalysis | H Ernest Hunt | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p195 |
The Lone House in the Midst of the Corn (vf) | CL Ryley | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p204 |