The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Occult Review

review - The Proofs of the Truths of Spiritualism by G HenslowEdith K Harpery1919v30-Augustp69
The White Bird of Memory (vf)ADy1919v30-Augustp70
Mesmer & the Magnetic HypothesisRB Incey1919v30-Augustp71
The Heart - In Mysticism & MagicBernard Fieldingy1919v30-Augustp78
Occult Significance of Precious StonesReginald B Spany1919v30-Augustp83
Transcendental Alchemy (The Works of Thomas Vaughan)H Stanley Redgrovey1919v30-Augustp90
Unseen HelpersDonald Percivaly1919v30-Augustp94
The Mythology of Ancient ChaldeaHenry J Nashy1919v30-Augustp97
The Life Everlasting (vf)Teresa Hooleyy1919v30-Augustp102
The Continuity of LifeLilian Whitingy1919v30-Augustp103
Ltte - Phenomena of MaterializationsJ Scott Battamsy1919v30-Augustp108
Ltte - Mysterious KnockingAWy1919v30-Augustp108
Ltte - An Uncanny GiftMEy1919v30-Augustp109
Ltte - The Creation LegendWalter Winansy1919v30-Augustp111
Ltte - A Psychic DogNita O'Sullivan-Bearey1919v30-Augustp112
Periodical Literatureanony1919v30-Augustp113
review - Spiritualism & the Great War by J WedgwoodH Stanley Redgrovey1919v30-Augustp117
review - Law: Leading Articles - from "New India" by Annie BesantH Stanley Redgrovey1919v30-Augustp117
review - Experiments in Psychical Science by WJ CrawfordEdith K Harpery1919v30-Augustp117
review - An Amazing Séance & an Exposure by Sydney A. MoseleyGMHy1919v30-Augustp118
review - The Mystery Keepers by Marion FoxWH Chessony1919v30-Augustp119
review - James Hinton: A Sketch by Mrs Havelock EllisJ Arthur Hilly1919v30-Augustp119
review - Green Ways by Dorothy GrensideMeredith Starry1919v30-Augustp120
Notes of the Month - (2) Astral RepercussionThe Editory1919v30-Septemberp121
Notes of the Month - (1) Ella Wheeler Wilcox & her Psychic ExperiencesThe Editory1919v30-Septemberp121
The Familiar: Its Nature & OriginLewis Spencey1919v30-Septemberp130
The Master Tiller (vf)WP Ryany1919v30-Septemberp137
A Haunted Church in MunichJW Brodie-Innesy1919v30-Septemberp138
Andrew Carnegie's PalmCW Childy1919v30-Septemberp148
illustration - Andrew Carnegie's Handanony1919v30-Septemberp149
Life (vf)AE Lloyd Maunselly1919v30-Septemberp150
Mystical RealisationArthur Edward Waitey1919v30-Septemberp151
The Charms, Spells, & Divinations of AfghanistanIkbal Ali Shahy1919v30-Septemberp156
illustration - (3 mystical diagrams - or "charms")anony1919v30-Septemberp158
illustration - No 1 - capsule in which was enclosed the charm as shown in photograph No 2anony1919v30-Septemberp159
illustration - No 2 charm enclosed in the capsule of silk cloth ... - it protects against bullet woundsanony1919v30-Septemberp160
illustration - the charm (with English translation)anony1919v30-Septemberp161
illustration - charm (with English translation)anony1919v30-Septemberp162
Ltte - Magnetic EyesP Frasery1919v30-Septemberp167
Ltte - A Perfect Deity & An Imperfect CreationViolet G Inglisy1919v30-Septemberp167
Ltte - Mrs Eddy & Dr QuimbyMrs B O'Connory1919v30-Septemberp168
Periodical Literatureanony1919v30-Septemberp174
review - The Secret of Egyptian Chronology by HB HannaryArthur Edward Waitey1919v30-Septemberp178
review - Prayer as a Science by W WyberghMeredith Starry1919v30-Septemberp178
review - A Romance of Two Centuries by Kenneth Sylvan GutherieArthur Edward Waitey1919v30-Septemberp179
review - La Vie des Ames by Madame AdamWH Chessony1919v30-Septemberp180
review - Miss Fingal by Mrs WK CliffordWH Chessony1919v30-Septemberp180
Notes of the Month - The Eternal Question (Mr Clarke's Psychic Experiences)The Editory1919v30-Octoberp181
Exploring the Mind - A Note on PsychoanalysisH Ernest Hunty1919v30-Octoberp195
The Lone House in the Midst of the Corn (vf)CL Ryleyy1919v30-Octoberp204
Showing 3101 to 3150 of 7382 entries