review - A Subaltern in Spirit Land by JSM Ward | the editor | y1920 | v31 | - | January | p61 |
review - Private Dowding - a record of death on the Battlefield by Private Dowding | the editor | y1920 | v31 | - | January | p67 |
Notes of the Month - The Other Side of Death in Battle | The Editor | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p61 |
Nigerian Supernaturalism (1) | John M Stuart-Young | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p72 |
Modern Numerology | Chifford Cheasley | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p81 |
Psychic Unfoldment - a few suggestions | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p85 |
The Man Who Killed God | RS | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p92 |
Shining Spaces | Bart Kennedy | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p97 |
In the Beginning (vf) | Arthur E Lloyd Maunsell | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p99 |
Christianity & Spiritualism | Arthur Edward Waite | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p100 |
Ltte - Spirits, Human & Animal | Walter Winans | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p105 |
Ltte - Humorous Dreams (1) | Helen Boulnois | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p105 |
Ltte - The Lion | C Spurgeon Medhurst | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p106 |
Ltte - Humorous Dreams (2) | Leopold AD Montague | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p106 |
Ltte - "Through the Ivory Gate" | Reader | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p107 |
Ltte - The Creation Story in Genesis | J Scott Battams | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p108 |
Ltte - (the noble truth of Reincarnation) | A. | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p109 |
Ltte - Strange Lights | Vera | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p109 |
Ltte - (the dangers of the seance room) | Meredith Starr | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p110 |
Ltte - Christian Science & Pantheism | Pantheist | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p111 |
Ltte - Conditions on the Other Side | Pax | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p111 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p112 |
review - The State of the Soul, Between Death & the Resurrection by Hugh Davis Murphy | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p116 |
review - Is Spiritualism of the Devil? by F Fielding-Ould | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p116 |
review - A Short Life of Washington by C Sheridan Jones | Meredith Starr | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p117 |
review - The Bible & the After-Life by Walter Wynn | Edith K Harper | y1920 | v31 | - | February | p118 |
Notes of the Month - The Religion of the Future - Christian Origins | The Editor | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p119 |
review - Pagan & Christian Creeds, their origins & meaning by Edward Carpenter | the editor | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p124 |
Nigerian Supernaturalism (2) | John M Stuart-Young | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p131 |
My Psychic Experiences | Walter Wynn | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p138 |
Loneliness (vf) | DS Goodwin | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p143 |
The Fairy-Faith in Wales | ML Lewes | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p144 |
A Strange Experience | AM | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p150 |
The Future of Occultism | Herbert Adams | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p154 |
The Holy City (vf) | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p157 |
The Folk-Lore of our Common Trees | Margaret M'Coll | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p160 |
My Dreams (vf) | Meredith Starr | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p163 |
Ltte - Mysterious Lights | An Old Subscriber | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p164 |
Ltte - Recurring Dreams | CV | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p164 |
Ltte - A Strange Story | George Eshelby | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p165 |
Ltte - Occultism & the Atomic Theory (1) | RH Blackmore | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p166 |
Ltte - Broken Combs | S. | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p166 |
Ltte - reply to Mr Blackmore | H Stanley Redgrove | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p167 |
Ltte - Occultism & the Atomic Theory (2) | Richard B Ince | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p168 |
Ltte - (I am frequently favoured with more or less abnormal experiences) | Noble Iverson | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p169 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p170 |
New & Forthcoming Publications | various | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p174 |
review - Memoirs of Edward, Eighth Earl of Sandwich by Steuart Erskine | RB Ince | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p175 |
review - Spiritual Pluralism & Recent Philosophy by CA Richardson | H Stanley Redgrove | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p176 |
review - Collected Fruits of Occult Teaching by AP Sinnett | the editor | y1920 | v31 | - | March | p177 |