The Visitor | Bart Kennedy | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p206 |
The "Intelligible Light" in Plotinos | Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p209 |
The Hauntings at the Muenchhof | Philip Redmond | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p212 |
The Dance of the Entering in of Life | L. | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p218 |
A Case of Multiple Premonition | Henry Sproull | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p220 |
Evening (vf) | Jessie EP Foreland | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p222 |
Ltte - An Unknown Presence | AF | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p223 |
Ltte - Christian Science | Charles WJ Tennant | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p223 |
Ltte - Demi-Gods | Walter Winans | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p224 |
Ltte - An Uncanny Gift | PS | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p224 |
Ltte - The Creation Story in Genesis (1) | An Earnest Seeker | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p225 |
Ltte - The Creation Story in Genesis (2) | Walter Winans | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p225 |
Ltte - The Sacred Heart | FH Fitzgerald Beale | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p226 |
Ltte - Transmutation | JJ Hunter Johnston | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p227 |
Ltte - Mr Rawson & Prayer | MHT | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p228 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p229 |
New & Forthcoming Publications | various | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p233 |
review - Letters from the Other Side by Henry Thibault | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p237 |
review - To Those who Suffer by Aimée Blech | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p238 |
review - Letters to my Love Beyond the Veil by HR Allenson | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p238 |
review - A Book of Auto-Suggestions by H Ernest Hunt | EMM | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p238 |
review - Healing by the Realization of God, or True Prayer for Doctors by FI Rawson | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p239 |
review - Spiritualism - The Inside Truth by Stuart Cumberland | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | October | p240 |
Notes of the Month - The Church Congress - Mrs Tweedale's Psychic Reminiscences | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p241 |
The Lady Faustine (vf) | JW Brodie-Innes | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p253 |
Through the Ivory Gate | Irene Hay | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p255 |
Spiritism & the Faith | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p268 |
On Stellar Influences | Leslie Keene | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p271 |
The Moon in Magic & Religion | Bernard Fielding | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p277 |
Ltte - Christian Science | RB Ince | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p285 |
Ltte - Transmutations | George Eshelby | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p285 |
Ltte - Elementals & Others | B Ford | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p286 |
Ltte - The Evolution of the Christian Religion | Walter Winans | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p287 |
Ltte - A Glimpse of the Past - The Origin of Impressions of Pre-Incarnation | Physician | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p288 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p290 |
New & Forthcoming Publications | various | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p294 |
review - A Song of the Open Road, & other Verses by Louis J McQuilland | Meredith Starr | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p295 |
review - Emerson & His Philosophy by J Arthur Hill | Arthur Edward Waite | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p295 |
review - Where is He? a one act play by DT Davies | RB Ince | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p296 |
review - The Dominion of Health by Helen Boulnois | EMM | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p296 |
review - Everyday Efficiency by Forbes Lindsay | GMH | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p297 |
review - Claude's Second Book by L Kelway-Bamber | Edith K Harper | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p298 |
review - Theosophy & Reconstruction by C Jinarajadasa | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p298 |
review - Why do we Die? - an essay in Thanatology by Edward Mercer | H Stanley Redgrove | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p299 |
review - Krishna The Charioteer by Mohini M Dhar | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1919 | v30 | - | November | p300 |
Notes of the Month - (b) The Vital Message by Arthur Conan Doyle | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | December | p301 |
Notes of the Month - (a) Outspoken Essays by Dean Inge | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | December | p301 |
Notes of the Month - (c) Alan Leo - His Life & Work | The Editor | y1919 | v30 | - | December | p301 |
The Night Rain (vf) | Jessie EP Foreland | y1919 | v30 | - | December | p316 |
The Serpent Symbol in Genesis - A Suggested Meaning | James S Forrester-Brown | y1919 | v30 | - | December | p317 |