The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Occult Review

review - The Ascent of Olympus by Rendel HarrisWH Chessony1917v26-August-
review - God the Invisible King by HG WellsEMMy1917v26-August-
Ltte - The Tsar's Horoscope & the Fixed StarsEdward Draytony1917v26-August-
Ltte - The Wearing of Religious Emblems in WarMontague Summersy1917v26-August-
Ltte - The Occult in ArtA Sculptory1917v26-August-
Ltte - Some Dreams & their InterpretationMary Emmety1917v26-August-
Ltte - The Psychic TelegraphJL Cathery1917v26-August-
The Everlasting Future - A Mystic & Psychic ContrastArthur Edward Waitey1917v26-August-
Yogi BreathingAhumaday1917v26-August-
To CA (vf)Eva Gore-Boothy1917v26-August-
A Dream with a Curious SequelAlice Cunninghamey1917v26-August-
review - Boston Lectures on the New Psychology by JCF GrumbineGMHy1917v26-August-
review - The Two Witnesses (Joanna Southcott's Predictions) ed by Alice SeymourEdith K Harpery1917v26-August-
Come Out (vf)Helen Beatrice Allany1917v26-September-
illustration - (a) Sapper Kelly - Holding a coin while searchinganony1917v26-September-
Notes of the Month - (b) Memoirs of a Balkan DiplomatistThe Editory1917v26-September-
Notes of the Month - (a) Rex v LeoThe Editory1917v26-September-
Symbolism in Colour, Ancient & ModernGrace Ethel Cowelly1917v26-September-
review - Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought & Understanding by William BoultingArthur Edward Waitey1917v26-September-
An Egyptian Ritual Against Apophi & its Relation to Modern WitchcraftJW Brodie-Innesy1917v26-September-
review - The Prophet of Nazareth by ElizabethaArthur Edward Waitey1917v26-September-
review - A Psychic Vigil in Three Watches - anonH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-September-
illustration - (b) Sapper Kelly making calculations for depth & quantity & feeling for wateranony1917v26-September-
review - The God in You by Prentice MulfordEdith K Harpery1917v26-September-
review - The Dream-Child by Margaret BarkerEMMy1917v26-September-
review - Two Plays & a Rhapsody by Katharine HowardEMMy1917v26-September-
Periodical Literatureanony1917v26-September-
Ltte - Gnomes & FairiesWB Hursty1917v26-September-
Ltte - The Psychic TelegraphFAEy1917v26-September-
Ltte - Sounds & ColoursA. Watsony1917v26-September-
Ltte - Madam HandsGA Fieldy1917v26-September-
Ltte - Thought FormsMiss FA Browney1917v26-September-
Ltte - Spiritual EvolutionFC Constabley1917v26-September-
Ltte - A QueryFE Godfreyy1917v26-September-
Ltte - TelepathyWWy1917v26-September-
review - The Voice in the Light by Bart KennedyWH Chessony1917v26-September-
On the Nature of BeliefJ Arthur Hilly1917v26-September-
Daniel Dunglas HomeReginald B Spany1917v26-September-
A Case of Indirect TelepathyNANy1917v26-September-
The Pagan (vf)Lilian Holmesy1917v26-September-
review - Plays of Gods & Men by Lord DunsanyWH Chessony1917v26-September-
Ltte - Psychic ExperiencesCF Slatery1917v26-October-
Ltte - Comfort for the BereavedElla Wheeler Wilcox (= Mrs Robert Wilcox)y1917v26-October-
Irish Charms & Incantations for the cure of DiseaseMichael MacDonaghy1917v26-October-
More about Mr Isaacs - Gems and JewelsEdmund Russelly1917v26-October-
DreamsKatharine Coxy1917v26-October-
illustration - (7 bars of petal dropping music, 6/4. 1 flat)anony1917v26-October-
The Music of MagicSax Rohmery1917v26-October-
illustration - A Death-Bed communication (hand written text reproduced)anony1917v26-October-
Notes of the Month - Christianity After the WarThe Editory1917v26-October-
Showing 2251 to 2300 of 6048 entries