review - The Ascent of Olympus by Rendel Harris | WH Chesson | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
review - God the Invisible King by HG Wells | EMM | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Ltte - The Tsar's Horoscope & the Fixed Stars | Edward Drayton | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Ltte - The Wearing of Religious Emblems in War | Montague Summers | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Ltte - The Occult in Art | A Sculptor | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Ltte - Some Dreams & their Interpretation | Mary Emmet | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph | JL Cather | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
The Everlasting Future - A Mystic & Psychic Contrast | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Yogi Breathing | Ahumada | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
To CA (vf) | Eva Gore-Booth | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
A Dream with a Curious Sequel | Alice Cunninghame | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
review - Boston Lectures on the New Psychology by JCF Grumbine | GMH | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
review - The Two Witnesses (Joanna Southcott's Predictions) ed by Alice Seymour | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v26 | - | August | - |
Come Out (vf) | Helen Beatrice Allan | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
illustration - (a) Sapper Kelly - Holding a coin while searching | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Notes of the Month - (b) Memoirs of a Balkan Diplomatist | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Notes of the Month - (a) Rex v Leo | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Symbolism in Colour, Ancient & Modern | Grace Ethel Cowell | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought & Understanding by William Boulting | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
An Egyptian Ritual Against Apophi & its Relation to Modern Witchcraft | JW Brodie-Innes | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - The Prophet of Nazareth by Elizabetha | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - A Psychic Vigil in Three Watches - anon | H Stanley Redgrove | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
illustration - (b) Sapper Kelly making calculations for depth & quantity & feeling for water | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - The God in You by Prentice Mulford | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - The Dream-Child by Margaret Barker | EMM | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - Two Plays & a Rhapsody by Katharine Howard | EMM | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Gnomes & Fairies | WB Hurst | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph | FAE | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Sounds & Colours | A. Watson | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Madam Hands | GA Field | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Thought Forms | Miss FA Browne | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Spiritual Evolution | FC Constable | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - A Query | FE Godfrey | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Telepathy | WW | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - The Voice in the Light by Bart Kennedy | WH Chesson | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
On the Nature of Belief | J Arthur Hill | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Daniel Dunglas Home | Reginald B Span | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
A Case of Indirect Telepathy | NAN | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
The Pagan (vf) | Lilian Holmes | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
review - Plays of Gods & Men by Lord Dunsany | WH Chesson | y1917 | v26 | - | September | - |
Ltte - Psychic Experiences | CF Slater | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
Ltte - Comfort for the Bereaved | Ella Wheeler Wilcox (= Mrs Robert Wilcox) | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
Irish Charms & Incantations for the cure of Disease | Michael MacDonagh | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
More about Mr Isaacs - Gems and Jewels | Edmund Russell | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
Dreams | Katharine Cox | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
illustration - (7 bars of petal dropping music, 6/4. 1 flat) | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
The Music of Magic | Sax Rohmer | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
illustration - A Death-Bed communication (hand written text reproduced) | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |
Notes of the Month - Christianity After the War | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | October | - |