The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Newcastle Lodge

The Occult Review

review - The River of Death & other Allegories by AESEMMy1917v26-October-
review - A Monster Twilight by D CorkeryWH Chessony1917v26-October-
review - Signs in the Heavens of a Great World-Teacher by Gertrude de BielskaEMMy1917v26-October-
review - My Reminiscences by Rabindranath TagoreEdith K Harpery1917v26-October-
review - Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth & Legend by Donald A. MacKenzieWH Chessony1917v26-October-
Periodical Literatureanony1917v26-October-
Ltte - The Psychic TelegraphJL Cathery1917v26-October-
Ltte - Telepathy in Relation to AnimalsNita O'Sullivan-Bearey1917v26-October-
Ltte - Sounds & ColoursP Frasery1917v26-October-
Ltte - Psychic ExperiencesCF Slatery1917v26-October-
Ltte - Comfort for the BereavedElla Wheeler Wilcox (= Mrs Robert Wilcox)y1917v26-October-
Irish Charms & Incantations for the cure of DiseaseMichael MacDonaghy1917v26-October-
More about Mr Isaacs - Gems and JewelsEdmund Russelly1917v26-October-
DreamsKatharine Coxy1917v26-October-
illustration - (7 bars of petal dropping music, 6/4. 1 flat)anony1917v26-October-
review - Starlight by CW LeadbeaterEMMy1917v26-October-
illustration - Alan Leoanony1917v26-Novemberp245
obituary - Alan Leoeditory1917v26-Novemberp245
Notes of the Month - A Soldier's Story of his After-Death ExperiencesThe Editory1917v26-Novemberp245
Some Celtic MemoriesJW Brodie-Innesy1917v26-Novemberp257
Sleep & DreamsPH Palmery1917v26-Novemberp269
The Doctrine of Transcendence & Emanation in Jewish MysticismSijil Abdul-Aliy1917v26-Novemberp274
The Master (vf)Frederick Jamesy1917v26-Novemberp282
Dead MindsBart Kennedyy1917v26-Novemberp283
The Wart-Charmers of WarwickshireGeorge Morleyy1917v26-Novemberp286
Ltte - A Prophetic WarningPH Palmery1917v26-Novemberp290
Ltte - The Burning of Judas IscariotAlice M Dawsony1917v26-Novemberp290
Ltte - Unfamiliar PhenomenaElizabeth Harmany1917v26-Novemberp290
Ltte - Mr Isaacs of SimlaAEDy1917v26-Novemberp290
Ltte - Christianity After the WarHJHy1917v26-Novemberp290
Periodical Literatureanony1917v26-Novemberp295
New & Forthcoming Publicationsvariousy1917v26-Novemberp299
review - Medical Botany; or, Herbal Guide to Health by William Joseph SimmoniteEdith K Harpery1917v26-Novemberp302
review - The Rose of Dawn by Kate ChadwickRB Incey1917v26-Novemberp302
review - Light of the Future - (anon Dubliner)Edith K Harpery1917v26-Novemberp302
review - The Duality of the Bible, or the Scriptural Church & Christianity by Sidney C TappH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-Novemberp302
review - God & Present Help by H Emilie CadyH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-Novemberp302
review - Lessons in Truth by H Emilie CadyH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-Novemberp302
review - Canada the Spellbinder by Lilian WhitingEdith K Harpery1917v26-Novemberp302
review - The Sense of the Past by Henry JamesWH Chessony1917v26-Novemberp302
review - Sir Walter Raleigh- selection from his writings ed by GE HadowEMMy1917v26-Novemberp302
review - The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse ed by DHS Nicholson & AHE LeeEMMy1917v26-December-
review - The Mirror of Gesture - Abhinaya Darpana of Nandikesvara - tr Ananda CoomaraswamyH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-December-
Periodical Literatureanony1917v26-December-
The Origin of EvilHereward Carringtony1917v26-December-
Immanence & Continuity as Obstacles to ThoughtH Stanley Redgrovey1917v26-December-
The Weird in the West CountryReginald B Spany1917v26-December-
The Life of TreesAngel Martyny1917v26-December-
Modern Survivals of Old BeliefsLJ Dickinsony1917v26-December-
Notes of the Month - Death & Sleep - A Communication from Hell - Astrology & the WarThe Editory1917v26-December-
Showing 2301 to 2350 of 6048 entries