review - The Irish on the Somme by Michael MacDonagh | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v26 | - | December | - |
review - The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse ed by DHS Nicholson & AHE Lee | EMM | y1917 | v26 | - | December | - |
review - The Mirror of Gesture - Abhinaya Darpana of Nandikesvara - tr Ananda Coomaraswamy | H Stanley Redgrove | y1917 | v26 | - | December | - |
(Science & the Infinite by Sydney T Klein) | The Editor | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Notes of the Month - The Dilemma of A Transcendentalist - Astrological Notes | The Editor | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Morte d'Arthur (vf) | EM Murray | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
illustration - a Specimen Tea-cup (with interpretation) | anon | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
How to Read the Tea-cup | A Highland Seer | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - The Religion of Tomorrow - A Study in the Evolution of Religious Thought by WJ Colville | A?HS Redgrove | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - The Rod of the Snake by Vere Shortt & Frances Mathews | WH Chesson | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - The Form of the Spirit | WW Harris | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - The Mystery of Gabriel by Michael Wood | Virginia Milward | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - The Invisible Guide by G Lewis Hind | GMH | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - Dream Traveling | JW Brodie-Innes | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - A Medium's Prediction | J Arthur Hill | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - The Microscope of the Future | JF | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - Portents in the Sky | Mary Crosland Taylor | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - Sounds & Colours | Mrs Alys Watson | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - Proofs of Identity | M Churchill | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Ltte - Evidence of a Future Life: Mrs Wilcox's Experiences | Ella Wheeler Wilcox | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Angels | F Fielding-Ould | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Old Mrs Camperfield's Ghost Stories | Gerda M Calmady-Hamlyn | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Occult Revelations of a Flying Man | A Philosophical Aviator | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Alan Leo - An Appreciation | Mrs Campbell Praed | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
Reincarnation - Fragments of Memory | Jocelyn Underhill | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
The Mystery of Childhood | J Cochrane | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - Telepathy, Genuine & Fraudulent by WW Baggally | Edith K Harper | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
A Lodge of Magic | Arthur Edward Waite | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
illustration - an actual Tea-Cup (with interpretation) | anon | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
review - Black & White Magic by EHWM & Wilfrid Blair | RB Ince | y1918 | v27 | - | January | - |
The Rishi's Morning Prayer (vf) | Frederic Thurstan | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
review - Our Glorious Future by Mabel Collins | HJS | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
review - The Fiery Cross: Some verse for Today & Tomorrow by John Oxenham | GMH | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Ltte - Invisible Child Playmates | JSM Ward | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
review - The Tree of Heaven by May Sinclair | WH Chesson | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Ltte - Astrology & Child Nature | An Observer | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Ltte - Science & the Infinite; From the Watch-tower | Sydney T Klein | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Ltte - Sound & Colour | Alf. King (Mus. D. Oxon) | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
(a long reply to Mr Klein) | Ed. | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
A Seer's Philosophy | Eva Martin | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
The Irish at the Gates of Death | Michael MacDonagh | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
In a Convent Chapel | Nora Alexander | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Bluebeard & the Maid of Orleans - A Study in 15thC Sorcery | JW Brodie-Innes | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
(review - The Epworth Phenomena by Dudley Wright) | The Editor | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Notes of the Month - The Poltergeist - A Study in Badly Behaved Ghosts | The Editor | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
review - Maid of the Moonflower by Cecil Adair | WH Chesson | y1918 | v27 | - | February | - |
Brahma (vf) | JSM Ward | y1918 | v27 | - | March | - |
Notes of the Month - A Philosophical Defence of Reincarnation | The Editor | y1918 | v27 | - | March | - |